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At least, it's the best we can do with it." "What's the idea?" inquired the inventor, examining the small model curiously. "Why," laughed Jack Benson, good-humoredly, "it's an automatic device, set to a time principle, for closing the after port of the torpedo tube and letting off some compressed air. By means of this automatic device the last fellow could let himself out safely.

I thought you knew that I was there." "It is of no importance," he said, turning away; "I have no secrets." But I detained him. "Mr. Benson! Tell me, please. You were talking about me, weren't you? What did you mean about the son of the house not being a servant for ever?" He hesitated for an instant, and then turned round and came nearer to me. "It is true, is it not?" he said.

The thought that the boots would leave footprints which would subsequently be identified as Penreath's was altogether too subtle to have occurred to a man like Benson. That is the touch of a master criminal of a much higher order of criminal brain than Benson's.

"I guess you'd better come along with me, gentlemen," called Mr. Farnum. "Captain Benson has just invited me to witness something new in the submarine line." "What is it?" questioned Mr. Melville. "I don't know," admitted Jacob Farnum. "What is it, boy?" demanded Mr. Melville, turning upon Jack.

Indeed, he had even known of rare instances in which cadets had been dismissed from the Naval Academy for the same offense. The lieutenant commander’s present doubt of Jack Benson was likely to work to that young man’s disadvantage later on. Others of the party left the auto. Hal and Mr. Farnum got into the tonneau, supporting Jack there between them. Thus they carried him to Mr.

"I suppose it is. Get a thousand people crowded into one hotel under glass, and let 'em buzz around that seems to be the present notion of enjoyment. I guess your mother'll like it." And she did. Mrs. Benson, who appeared at the moment, a little flurried with her hasty toilet, a stout, matronly person, rather overdressed for traveling, exclaimed: "What a homelike looking place!

Merriam's trip and Jack's smashing blow with the fist brought Truax down to the floor in a heap. "Now, cart this human rubbish out of here!" ordered Jack Benson, sternly. "Don't hit him he isn't man enough to be worthy of a blow!" Swooping down upon the prostrate one, Hal and the midshipmen seized Sam Truax by his arms and legs, carrying him bodily out of the engine room.

Step to the cab and get away from here, for I would spare you what is to follow my reckoning with Benson!" He clapped his hands. The door opened, and four men stepped out. Their type was not hard to determine. They were of the scum of humanity ready for any desperate deed. "Come, girl, you must go!" commanded Millard, harshly.

The manner in which the old servant treated Ruth had in it far more of respect than there had been the day before; but there was a kind of satisfied way of braving out Miss Benson's glances which made the latter uncertain and uncomfortable. She followed her brother into his study. "Do you know, Thurstan, I am almost certain Sally suspects." Mr Benson sighed.

Sally, who was busy dilating on the increased price of flour, considered this remark of Miss Benson's as strangely irrelevant to the matter in hand, and only noticed it by a "To be sure! I suppose we all on us do. But two-and-fourpence a dozen is too much to make us pay for it." Miss Benson went on with her inspection of herself, and Sally with her economical projects.