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A sack was cast about his naked shoulders; his cocked hat was on the back of his head; and a tooth-pick between his lips. He strolled to the side. Beneath him the Cocotte, smoking like a damped furnace, the blood trickling from between her seams, was settling fast. "Got her bellyful all snug," said the Gunner complacently, picking his teeth.

Even yet, though now I know better, I cannot accept the fact that the vast majority find their only poetry in a good bellyful of food, as I do in the Ode to the Nightingale and in the Epipsychidion.... Dissatisfied and disillusioned, it was again a book that lifted me out of the stupidity in which I found myself enmeshed.

"Huh!" grunted the squire. "I said the day would come when British regulars would teach the scamps a lesson. The rapscallions are getting their bellyful, no doubt; 't is to be hoped that it will bring law and quiet once again in the land." "'T will more likely be the match that fires the mine. You've little idea, Mr. Meredith, how strong and universal the feeling is against Great Britain."

We might, it may be, crack a broad jest, or pledge a friendly cup a turn too often, but it was in mirth and good neighbour-hood Ay, and if there was a bout at single-stick, or a bellyful of boxing, it was all for love and kindness; and better a few dry blows in drink, than the bloody doings we have had in sober earnest, since the presbyter's cap got above the bishop's mitre, and we exchanged our goodly rectors and learned doctors, whose sermons were all bolstered up with as much Greek and Latin as might have confounded the devil himself, for weavers and cobblers, and such other pulpit volunteers, as as we heard this morning It will out."

"Why, so be it!" quoth Resolution, scowling up at the flapping ruin where it hung. "Very well, 'tis a smooth sea and a fighting wind, so shall you ha' your bellyful o' battle now, friend, for yonder cometh Joanna at last!"

There may be some play to this that we don't savvy." "Rats! They've got a bellyful, I tell you. Five's the bunch, ain't it? all but that one we got. I ain't going to stay cached here all day. I want some grub." But McHale persuaded him to wait ten minutes. Then, after exposing a hat and a rolled-up coat as decoys without the least result, they emerged from their fortress.

"Hear them dam' coyotes," he observed sociably. "They'd cry that way if they'd had a chicken dinner, all around. I bet ye every one of 'em has got wool in his teeth, right now. Never you mind, birdie," he continued, apostrophizing a peculiarly shrill-voiced howler, "I'll give you a bellyful of mutton pretty soon, if it's the last act. What you going to do now, Rufe?"

And about daylight we'd have the horses out, lift back the rail, and fit in the chock that we'd knocked out. Simple as striking matches, wasn't it? "Well, the horses were getting a good bellyful in the police horse paddock at night, and Bill took the first watch with the sheep.

I want to see the breadline, and the panhandlers, and the bums in Union Square. I want a bellyful of the happy dust the old town hands out the whole dope and all there is of it! My God! I want everything I haven't got!" He looked at me, wildly. He was trembling violently, and sweat poured down his face.

Thou shalt be permitted to speak thy bellyful when this man hath done, and no sooner. Go on, said he to Kissbreech; speak calmly, and do not overheat yourself with too much haste.