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It rings it out in the vault of heaven, far, far out, forever and ever, till the heaven bells sound "Ding-dong! ding-dong!" In is winter-time.

These birds were carried on the wrist, bells were hung to their legs, and their heads were hooded or covered until the moment came for letting them fly at the game. Whilst under training a string was fastened to them that they might be "reclaimed," as it was called, at the pleasure of their owners. The person, who carried the hawk, wore gloves to protect his hand from the sharp talons of the bird.

Tod's reasoning, was successful; we received a message to the effect that Miss March would not refuse our "kindness." So we vacated; and all that long Sunday we sat in the parlour lately our neighbour's, heard the rain come down, and the church bells ring; the wind blowing autumn gales, and shaking all the windows, even that of the room overhead.

"Ready," answered a loud, bass voice almost by the very window. It was the second or third station from Spirov. Time passed quickly, seemed to gallop along, and there would be no end to the bells, whistles, and stops.

"Idiot!" muttered Marzio between his teeth, not deigning to make any further answer. The distant boom of a gun broke upon the silence that followed, and immediately the bells of all the neighbouring churches rang out in quick succession. It was midday. "I did not expect to finish that nose," said Marzio, rising from his stool.

Churchouse rarely talked about himself. "True. I have been immersed in literary work and getting on with my magnum opus: 'The Church Bells of Dorset. You see one does not obtain much help here no encouragement. Not that I expect it. We men of letters have to choose between being hermits, or humbugs." "I always thought a hermit was a humbug," said Jenny, smiling for the first time. "Not always.

At the foot of the steps leading to Trinita di Monti here where the foreigners stayed, the English quarter. I found accommodations in a pension. First there was the unpacking, and little Reverdy had to be kept comforted, if possible; I must start him in school too. Life must always go on. I became sensible of many bells.

Few sounds, and these but slight ones, stirred in the breast of the ardent silence; some little notes of birds, fragmentary and wandering, wayward as pilgrims who had forgotten to what shrine they bent their steps, some little notes of bells swinging beneath the tufted chins of goats, the wail of a woman's song, old in its quiet melancholy, Oriental in its strange irregularity of rhythm, and the careless twitter of a tarantella, played upon a reed-flute by a secluded shepherd-boy beneath the bending silver green of tressy olives beside a tiny stream.

We rang the bells, and sacre dieu'd, but all in vain, we suffered great inconvenience, but who could be angry?

Did he not now begin to think to feel perhaps rather than to think that, after all, the sound of the church bells was cheering, that it was sweet to kneel there where others knelt, sweet to hear the voices of those young children as they uttered together the responses of the service?