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No, you never did, sez I. 'But, on the other 'and, this 'ere cove is the very spit o' the poachin' cove as I'm a-lookin' for. True! sez I to meself, 'but this 'ere cove is a-wearin' of a bell-crowner 'at, but the poachin' cove never wore a bell-crowner nor never will. Still, I must say I come very near pullin' trigger on ye just to make sure.

And, when I had gone on some distance, I took off that which the man had called a "bell-crowner," and bestowed upon it a touch, and looked at it as I had never done before; and there was gratitude in look and touch, for tonight it had, indeed, stood my friend.

So ye see it were precious lucky for you as you was a-wearin' o' that there " "It certainly was," said I, turning away. " that there bell-crowner, and likewise as I'm a man of a nat'ral gift for argiment, and of a inquirin' " "Without doubt," said I, vaulting over the gate into the road once more. " turn o' mind, because if I 'adn't 'a' been, and you 'adn't 'a' wore that there bell-crowner "

"Because, if you 'adn't 'appened to be a-wearin' that there bell-crowner, and I 'adn't 'appened to be of a argifyin' and inquirin' turn o' mind, I should ha' filled you full o' buckshot." "Oh?" said I. "Yes," said he, nodding, while I experienced a series of cold chills up my spine, "not a blessed doubt of it.

Poachers," he went on, "don't wear bell-crowned 'ats as a rule I never seed one as did; and so, while I was a-watchin' of you be'ind this 'ere 'edge, I argies the matter in my mind. 'Robert, I says to meself, 'Robert, I sez, 'did you ever 'appen to see a poachin' cove in a bell-crowner afore?