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He would next consider the effects of the abolition on those places where it was chiefly carried on. But would the committee believe, after all the noise which had been made on this subject, that the Slave-trade composed but a thirtieth part of the export trade of Liverpool, and that of the trade of Bristol it constituted a still less proportion?

"You will take the pain all right and the consequences like a man, but you will never believe that swinish statement you have just made." This brought the younger man to his calmer mood. "I hate them," he said, bitterly, "more than you can; but her I love." "And to her you will sacrifice all?" His father looked at him searchingly, longingly. "Yes, if need be, all, but you!"

He could hardly believe he had really been as selfish and heartless as he appeared in the picture rising before him now out of the unchangeable past. His dormant human interest was awakening, and his soul was beginning to resist the tyranny of his mind. He was so impatient to begin his journey that he proposed setting off immediately and riding to the nearest railroad-station.

I honestly believe I should have cracked up under the weight of empire; but just fancy what a wonderful Queen you would have made!" "Oh, don't be stupid," she cried. "You almost frightened me." Alec's mother put in a gentle word. "If ever either of you is tempted to regret the loss of a throne, you ought to devote half an hour to reading the history of Kosnovia," she said.

I heard him relate, among many other things, that there were pickpockets on the train, who had already robbed a man of forty dollars and a return ticket; but though I caught the words, I do not think I properly understood the sense until next morning; and I believe I replied at the time that I was very glad to hear it.

"'Why, we'll just have to share and share about, unless the lady's to go without, say I. And then I make believe to whisper something in your ear. "And you nod, and take the bottle and drink, and hand it to me after. "''Tis as good as newly milked, say I. And you laugh, and the men laugh too. "Then I take a drink, and you again.

"In the preliminary report which was given me," he said, "I noticed that you made a statement to the patrolman you called in that the noise in the flat above aroused both you and your wife." "Yes," admitted Marsh. "I believe I did say something like that." "But," added Morgan, "we have not been able to get an interview with your wife." "Such an interview would be quite useless.

Mainwaring into activity, than of dictating to her any line of action as peculiarly suited to the circumstances. "Madam, The fact of Miss Gourlay having taken refuge with you as her friend, upon a certain occasion that was, I believe, very painful to that young lady, I think sufficiently justifies me in supposing that you feel a warm interest in her fate.

Never would my father consent to bestow my hand upon the son of the Countess de Soissons, and I! oh, if I should love him, I would forsake the whole world for his sake. Alas! alas! I believe that he is lord and sovereign of my heart, for it bounds to meet his, as though it felt that he was master of its destiny!"

"That I can believe, for the jeweller who made it worked in old Egypt," she interrupted. " and thereafter I dreamed a dream," I went on, "of the woman who wears the other half of it. I have not seen her yet, but when I do I shall know her at once." "So!" she exclaimed, "did I not tell you that, east or west or north or south, there is some other woman?"