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"My friend and I chanced to be near when you fell from the car " with that innate refinement which always belied his vocation and his rags Bridge chose not to embarrass the girl by a too intimate knowledge of the thing which had befallen her, preferring to leave to her own volition the making of any explanation she saw fit, or of none "and we carried you in here out of the storm."

Rose returned softly, and sat down with her head in her hand, in a calm attitude belied by her glancing eye, and the quick tapping of her other hand upon the table. Presently she raised her head quickly; a sound had reached her ear, a sound so slight that none but a high-strung ear could have caught it. It was like a mouse giving a single scratch against a stone wall. Rose coughed slightly.

According to answers given to the interpreter, they are of the class of 1915, and have seen fighting in Galicia. "Asked about their food, they replied that they did not get enough to eat, but their looks belied their statements.

"They are small chalk and charcoal studies of the spirit of the city mere impressions," he explained, putting the drawings in Farraday's hands with a gesture which belied the carelessness of his words. Farraday glanced at them, looked again, rose, and carried them to the window, where he examined them carefully, one by one. Mary watched him breathlessly, Stefan with unconcealed triumph.

"Well," Adelle observed; and then, recollecting her other intention, she said, "Don't you want some flowers or fruit or stuff from the garden? You can't raise much up here." "No, thanks; I don't want nothin' much obliged to you." In spite of the conventional terms there was a surly burr to his tone that belied the courtesy. Adelle was surprised at the hardness of his mood.

The detective did not drink, so Ruyler ordered cigars, and a few moments later Spaulding strolled in. His physical movements always belied his nervous keen face. He was the antithesis of 'Gene Bisbee. All honest men compelled to have dealings with him liked and trusted him.

His good humour was of the elephantine order, and belied the drawn anxiety of his eyes. Luxurious and peaceful as the scene was, there seemed to Chris to be a touch of electricity in the air, the suggestion of something about to happen. Littimer glanced at her admiringly. She was dressed in white satin, and she had in her hair a single diamond star of price.

He moved off the stoop and took his horse from the waiting man. He swung himself into the saddle with an agility which belied his years. He waved one great hand in response to the manager's deferential bow, and turned his horse away. In a moment Bud and Nan were riding side by side down the wide Avenue. It was a long time before either attempted to break the silence between them.

Tell me of him," she said simply; but he saw that the lustrous eyes bent on him had a grave, sweet sadness in them that was more precious and more pitiful than a million utterances of regret could ever have been. Those belied her much who said that she was heartless; though grief had never touched her, she could feel keenly the grief of other lives.

Brice," she continued, "do you know that your mother is just the person I should go to if I were in trouble, whether I knew her or not?" "I have found her a good person in trouble," said Stephen, simply. He might have said the same of Anne. Anne was enchanted. She had thought him cold, but these words belied that. She had approached a mystery to find it human, as are many mysteries.