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I declare, I'm more pleased than I calc'lated on. An' I expected till lately to die a single man!" "'Twould re'lly have been a shame; 'tain't natur'," said Mrs. Tobin, with confidence. "I don't see how you held out so long with bein' solitary." "I'll hire a hand to drive for me, and we'll have a good comfortable winter, me an' you an' the old sorrel.

There goes me dhream iv bein' sultan along with me dhream iv bein' a gr-reat gin'ral till th' Spanish war. If that's th' kind iv job a sultan has, I'll lave it f'r anny wan to take that wants it.

"It becomes Ignorance to haud its tongue in the presence o' Knowledge, nae doot an' I confess to bein' as ignorant as a bairn o' the art o' war; but common sense seems to say that haverin' aboot theology on the eve o' a fecht is no sae wise-like as disposin' yer men to advantage. The very craws might be ashamed o' sic a noise!"

There's no help for it, but there's this comfort, that, bein' what she is, she'll like you all the better for it. Now, here we are at the pier. Boat a-hoy-oy!" In reply to the diver's hail a man in a punt waved his hand, and pulled for the landing-place. A few strokes of the oar soon placed them on the deck of a large clumsy vessel which lay anchored off the entrance to the harbour.

But I couldn't get the chance to speak to you without bein' seen by them as I didn't want to see me, so I follered you to-night when you started out for a walk as I thought intendin' to range up alongside of you when we was well clear of the settlement.

She said she never seed such a town as Petersburg was, that she had half a mind to go back to Boston where she was born and raised. That she didn't believe there was such characters in the whole world as Doc Lyon and dozens of others in Petersburg, Joe Pink, and the hoodlums and roughs, and she was afeard all the time some of 'em would kill pa for bein' States Attorney.

"Serves me damn right, bein' so slow with my gun," he said. "I suppose the guy got away?" "Oh, yes, he got away!" muttered Scott, as they helped Miller to bed. "That's the kind of luck we're playing in just now around here." Breakfast next morning was not a particularly cheerful meal. Adams was still in bed, and Williams was feverish and cross.

"'It's an infernal machine, an' it's blowed a hole in me back, the Britisher yelled; an' we who was lookin' on c'd certainly hear suthin' drippin' from th' bunk he'd just got out of. "'Owch! I'm blowed t' bits. I'm bein' murdered.

"One of the things I am going to do, after the Magic works and before I begin to make scientific discoveries, is to be an athlete." "We shall have thee takin' to boxin' in a week or so," said Ben Weatherstaff. "Tha'lt end wi' winnin' th' Belt an' bein' champion prize-fighter of all England." Colin fixed his eyes on him sternly. "Weatherstaff," he said, "that is disrespectful.

When she went away on Monday she left it here, bein' afraid of losin' it. Of course, she took it on Tuesday mornin', and after goin' from one fit of hysterics into another she gev it to us again." Theydon's face was eloquent of the serious view of this avowal. "Did you tell the police?" he said. "No, sir. My missus an' me clean forgot all about it." "So, while Mrs.