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They are instinctively religious, and it is only because they feel on terms of such friendly intimacy with the powers above that they speak of them so often. At the Widdy Mullarkey's, Knockarney House, Ballyfuchsia, County Kerry. Och! musha bedad, man alive, but it's a fine counthry over here, and it bangs all the jewel of a view we do be havin' from the windys, begorra!

"I didn't want to turn him loose on the road," added Jeff, "though I had half a mind to tell him to hunt up his friends and join them. But he now has the same chance as the rest of us, and must look out for himself." "Begorra, but ye are right, Jiff," was the hearty response of the Irishman.

My reply added to their sorrow. "I should say, 'Begorra, Yer Honour, it's a bully good story!" The judgment of my brethren was that there was good stuff in me for a Christian if I had only been born somewhere else, a judgment I could not be expected to agree with. My disagreement with these men on various lines was no barrier to my participation in their propaganda.

Begorra, it was the wife herself made up the money in two parcels, and she put one into each pocket, to be sure and I wasn't to give your honour but one, if you would take it. But there's the money, and I daresay it's all for the best."

"Begorra, yer right," said McCarty, as he let the lamb down. "Luk at how the shep runs to the little bye. Ah, me little mon, yer pet shall not be taken away from yez," and a big tear ran down McCarty's face. The boy said there was a great big sheep in the back yard we could have, if we were hungry, and we went around the house to see.

She even slapped the daughter's soap-sud muffled person, for no reason that the daughter could see. "Begorra, miss, I dunno," said Johnny Connolly dubiously when the suggestion that the filly should be ridden there and then was made to him a few minutes later; "wouldn't ye wait till I put her a few turns under the cart, or maybe threw a sack o' oats on her back?" But Fanny would brook no delay.

"Begorra, sorr, that's the plisintest thing I iver heard ye say!" exclaimed the Irishman, in high glee at my verdict as to the value of the "pebbles," while the beaming countenances of the twain on guard betrayed that their delight was fully as great as that of their leader.

I'll have no skipper buttin' in on me, tellin' me how to run me engines an' askin' me why in this an' that I don't go aisy on the coal. Faith, I've had thim do it the wanst an' the wanst only. Begorra, I'd have brained thim wit' a monkey wrench if they tried it a second time."

"This," said the man with the barytone voice, "is the tune that Nick Steele saved his neck to." "Begorra, that’s ut. I wasn’t there mesilf, but Oi’ve heard th’ story told more times than Oi’ve years to me credit." "My father was in that necktie party," spoke up a young cow-puncher, "and I’ve heard him tell the story scores of times, and he always wondered why the devil they let Steele off.

"What do your instructions direct you to do?" demanded I. "My instructions, is it?" repeated O'Gorman. "Oh, begorra, they're simple enough.