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They therefore sent their thanks to the Lord Admiral, begging him to cruise for a time off Dunkirk and its neighbourhood, that both their enemies and their friends might have a sight of the English ships. Great was the panic all along the coast at this unexpected demonstration.

To create a useless industry, in order to favor superfluous transportation; to feed superfluous labor, not for the good of the public, but for the expense of the public this is to realize a veritable begging the question. Work, in itself, is not a desirable thing; its result is; all work without result is a loss.

"Something has happened since you sang the 'Three Fishers' and sat looking out of the window an hour ago. Your face has changed. What is it, Edna? Can't you trust me?" "Yes. I received a letter which troubles me. It announces the feeble health of a dear and noble friend, who writes begging me to come to him, and nurse and remain with him as long as he lives.

He asked Thaddeus what weapon he preferred; after discussion, they agreed on swords. Thaddeus had no weapon; while they were looking for swords, the Count rushed out armed and interrupted the negotiations. “Pan Soplica,” he shouted. “begging your pardon, you challenged the Major!

"I'll ax one question afore I go on, and, if the answer's what I fear, I'll trouble you no more," he said. "In a word, be you tokened again? I suppose you be, for you're not the sort to go begging. Say it quick if 'tis so, and I'll be off and trouble you no further." "No, Mr. Drake. I'm free as the day you you throwed me over," she answered, in a very quiet little voice.

"Being brothers, the descendants of the same race and of one soul, the same sun shines upon us and we breathe the same air, so that our sentiments are also one, and we aspire to the independence and liberty of our country in order to secure its progress and place it on a level with other civilized nations; and with this assurance I have taken the liberty to address you this letter, begging of you to accept the commission which in the name of our government I have the honour to confer upon you.

She ended by begging Caroline to come to luncheon that day, or the next, to enter into council on the subject.

All of them begging him almost upon their knees to forego a perfectly harmless little quest of discovery. There seemed to his mind something almost fishy about it all. What then were these "Frozen Flames"? What secret did they hide? And what malignant power dwelt behind the screen of their mystery?

In the afternoon she wrote a letter to Mr Holden, begging that she might be kept constantly acquainted with the progress of things. At five her mother brought tea. 'Wouldn't it be better if you went to bed now, Marian? she suggested. 'To bed? But I am going out in an hour or two. 'Oh, you can't, dear! It's so bitterly cold. It wouldn't be good for you.

Entranced, Agatha began the second part of the song, just for the joy of singing: "Oh! that we two sat dreaming On the sward of some sheep-trimmed down " when suddenly, from the distance, another voice took up the strain. Danny was instantly up and off to investigate, but presently came back wagging and begging his mistress to follow him.