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"Please," she said timidly, looking up into Helen's face at last "please let me stay this way a while. I never knew a mother nobody has ever let me do this befo', an' I am so happy for it." Helen stroked her face and hair anew, and Maggie kneeled looking up at her eagerly, earnestly, hungrily, scanning every feature of the prettier girl with worshipping eyes.

We got right frien'ly, an' he knew he was always welcome hyeh, an' one day I asked him jes' that question. It was shortly befo' he lef' an' I wanted to know what he thought about us all up hyeh." The mountaineer leaned back in his chair and chuckled with evident enjoyment of the recollection. "I jes' put the question to him," he said, "in the mildes' way, an' he started right in to talk.

"Did I evah see her befo'?" questioned the Little Colonel. "Why, yes, the day we moved heah. Don't you know she came and stayed so long, and the rockah broke off the little white rockin'-chair when she sat down in it?" "Oh, now I know!" laughed the child. "She's the big fat one with curls hangin' round her yeahs like shavin's. I don't like her, Mom Beck.

Rebecca Hooks, age 90 years, is one of the few among the fast-thinning ranks of ex-slaves who can give a clear picture of life "befo' de wah." She was born in Jones County, Georgia of Martha and Pleasant Lowe, who were slaves of William Lowe. The mother was the mulatto offspring of William Lowe and a slave woman who was half Cherokee.

Mandy Ann had not yet heard of the finding of the marriage certificate, and when Jake told her she did not seem greatly surprised. "I allus knew she was married, without a stifficut," she said. "I b'lieved it the fust time he come befo' lil Miss Dory was bawn."

Grandpa just won't let them." She sat up and wiped her eyes on her apron. "But Papa Jack would die befo' he'd take help from you," she wailed. "An' so would mothah. I heard her tell the doctah so." The tender expression on the Colonel's face changed to one like flint, but he kept on stroking her hair. "People sometimes change their minds," he said, grimly.

"'You take dis yer sweet'n' 'tater, sez she, 'I done goophered it 'speshly fer dat noo nigger, so you better not eat it yo'se'f er you'll wush you had n', en slip off ter town, en fin' dat strange man, en gib 'im dis yer sweet'n' 'tater. He mus' eat it befo' mawnin', sho', ef he doan wanter be sol' erway ter Noo Orleens.

Thar're some among 'em, I reckon, as have reasoned out to themselves that a man's pursuit speaks louder in the years, arter all, than his praise. Now, thar's a fine, promisin' farmer, like the miller gone runnin' loose, mo's the pity." "A kind heart at bottom," said old Adam, "but he's got a deal of larnin' to do befo' he'll rest content to bide along quietly in the same world with human natur."

"That's all right," he said, "Many a man has been licked befo' fur bein' on the Lord's side." "You mean to tell me, Archie B. Butts, you bet on a dorg fight sho' nuff," said his father, nervously handling his hickories. "An' played hookey?" chimed in his mother. "Tell it, Archie B., tell the truth an' shame the devil," mocked Patsy.

Old Billy had realized his dream at last a house he could call his own, with a porch and geraniums growing on it, and married to Mandy. It mattered not to him that he was her fifth venture in matrimony. "Come next summer, we'll have a box of portulac a bloomin' befo' the house," he said to Judith. "I'm pretty nigh scairt ter be gittin' so many blessings ter onct.