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The gov'nor was awfully wild about it. Nice brother, he said, to go and take the legal business to some one else instead of to our office. There, come along." "I must get the keys first." "Keys? Why, I thought you were all so beautifully innocent, that you never locked up anything in the country." "But we do," said Tom. "Wait a minute. I'll soon be back." "Don't hurry yourself, bumpkin.

Every atom of evidence is given in the publications of the British explorers, whereas it is a characteristic of French work to give brilliant conclusions, beautifully illustrated, without much of the evidence on which the conclusions are based.

The strategic plan was certainly admirable; and the march from the Adige through Piacenza to Asti by the right bank of the Po, leaving the French on the Mincio, was beautifully arranged, but its execution was exceedingly slow. When we examine the operations near Turin, we must confess that the victors owed more to their good fortune than to their wisdom.

She stayed half an hour. She was very gracious." "Ah?" said Peter. "I am glad to hear it." "She was beautifully dressed," said Marietta. "Of that I have not the shadow of a doubt," said he. "The Signorina Emilia drove away with them," said she. "Dear, dear! What a chapter of adventures," was his comment. He went to his rustic table, and picked up his book.

He was a man of middle age, eminently handsome. His ample robes concealed the only fault in his appearance, a figure which indulgence had rendered somewhat too exuberant. His eyes were large, and soft, and dark; his nose aquiline, but delicately moulded; his mouth small, and beautifully proportioned; his lip full and red; his teeth regular and dazzling white.

Whether this organ contained any parts of that which was destroyed in the previous century is not known; but many old prints and drawings show that the case of the one that was now built on the top of the Arundel screen was quite as beautifully designed as the one in Exeter Cathedral, or King's College Chapel at Cambridge.

For medical examination is not required for these beautifully managed associations. Their premiums are, however, so high that this detail does not materially affect their sound financial position; and this being the case, it cannot be denied that the absence of such examinations considerably increases their general utility for the labouring classes.

And Miss Jones was saying that she hoped there wouldn't anything happen without her knowing it, because her husband's sister in Philadelphia has sent her a new receipt for cake, and she has tried it and it came out beautifully, and she says she'll send some in." All the time that this stream was flowing, Mrs.

One of the count's servants showed Ulrich the way to the smith's house. Adam had entirely given up the business of horseshoeing, for nothing was to be seen in the ground floor of the high, narrow house, except the large door, and a window on each side. Behind the closed one at the right were several pieces of armor, beautifully embossed, and some artistically-wrought iron articles.

"Of course," said Jane shortly to hide the emotion in her voice. "Now eat this while I talk," thrusting a plate of buttered toast and a glass of orange marmalade at her, and hastening to pour an inviting cup of coffee. "Now, I been thinking," she said sitting down on the edge of the bed and eating bits of the piece of toast she had burned Betty's was toasted beautifully "I got a plan.