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He could not read the expression in the eyes, so with a quick gesture he pulled the lamp forward so that its light now fell full on the face of the prisoner. "Ah! that is certainly better, is it not, my dear M. Chambertin?" said Sir Percy, beaming on his adversary with a pleasant smile. His face, though still of the same ashen hue, looked serene if hopelessly wearied; the eyes seemed to mock.

"Here it is, then," said a pleasant, jovial voice, as a sunburnt man came through the gap, holding out his brown right hand to Ebben Owens. The other he stretched towards Will, who had thrown his sickle away, and was hastily approaching. No human heart could have steeled itself against that frank countenance and beaming smile, certainly no father's.

You could say a lot o' things about me in 'arf an hour." "No, George," said Mr. Stiles, beaming on him kindly; "when I put my hand to the plough I don't draw back. It's a good speaking part, too, an admiral's. I wonder whether I might use old Peters's language." "Certainly not," said Mr. Burton, in alarm. "You don't know how particular she is." Mr.

Julia frequently went over to Downside, and was surprised to find May so calm and cheerful, attending regularly to her various duties. She was paler, it is true, than usual no longer was there the beaming smile on her countenance, nor did she ever give way to that joyous laugh which seldom failed to inspire those who heard it.

The one candle flickering in the draught showed Mabel's white bust and arms, like those of a phantom, beaming through a cloud of blackness, when she stooped to try the key in the lock of the prison-chamber. After fitting it, she knocked before she turned it in the rusty wards again, and more loudly then spoke, putting her lips close to the key-hole: "We are friends, and have brought you supper.

When Wolf had at last succeeded in returning his old friend's greeting and then expressed a wish, first of all, to clasp the faithful old maid-servant's hand, the old gentleman's beaming face clouded, and he said, sighing: "What has not befallen us here since you went away, my dear Wolf! My path has been bordered with tombstones as poplars line the highway. But we will let the dead rest.

The old man was suddenly interrupted by a shrill blast from the outside, which blast was produced by some one blowing upon a blade of grass. "Well, well," exclaimed Magde glancing through the window, and then rushing to the door, "the old proverb is true, 'talk of " "A certain gentleman and he is here," interrupted Gottlieb, entering the door with his face beaming with his usual cheerfulness.

Then, all at once, I began to laugh, weakly and hysterically, but to laugh, nevertheless. "I I organized a Development Company," I gasped. "Good night." I rose from the chair and walked out into the library. I was so completely fagged out by the strain I had been under that I staggered as I walked. The library door opened and Johnson came in. He was beaming, actually beaming with joy.

Her friend listened with an expression of tranquil pleasure, slowly keeping time by the motion of her fingers, until she sunk into a peaceful sleep. After long and sweet repose, she awoke suddenly, and looking up with a beaming glance, exclaimed, "I shall follow him soon!" Eudora leaned over the couch, to inquire why she had spoken in such delighted accents.

Would that I could give an impression of the dear host at the head of his dinner-table, dressed in black silk knee-breeches and velvet cutaway coat a survival of a politer time, not an affectation of it beaming on his guests with his very brown eyes! Lavender is still associated in my mind with everything that is lovely and refined.