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The day following, as the same person was sitting at the sale, he sent him some bauble, for which he told him he must pay two hundred thousand sesterces, and "that he should sup with Caesar upon his own invitation."

The marriage ceremony shall be performed in the afternoon, and that night I propose to appear in my own play. May I not hope that my husband will consent to see me on my wedding day in that rôle? Only one night, then adieu for ever to the glittering bauble! Can my fastidious lover refuse the first boon I ever craved?"

Romans, awake! awake! be inspired with a nobler love of liberty than that which, if it dethrones the tyrant of today, would madly risk the danger of tyranny for tomorrow! Rome wants still a liberator never an usurper! Take away yon bauble!" There was a pause; the crowd were deeply affected but they uttered no shouts; they looked anxiously for a reply from their councillors, or popular leaders.

"Whether you remain in Parliament or no, you must make a beginning," Mr. Low had said; "and how are you even to pretend to begin if you don't have chambers?" Mr. Low hoped that he might be able to wean Phineas away from his Parliament bauble; that he might induce the young barrister to give up his madness, if not this session or the next, at any rate before a third year had commenced. Mr.

The language, united with the ill-concealed sarcasm conveyed by the countenance, no less than the emphasis, of the speaker, caused them now to raise their eyes, as by a common impulse. The word "bauble" was audibly and curiously repeated.

If I can only busy old Hugh and the Madame in watching each other, then I can handle Justine." "Yes," the satisfied schemer concluded, "the old man's game is the bauble title. Berthe Louison's must be some studied revenge. She is above all blackmail. I know already half the story of this clouded past. Madame Alixe Delavigne must yield up the other half, bit by bit.

"'But if I give him no reason to repent it, sirrah, how thou? said the Duke. "'Then, truly, Charles, thou shalt have cap and bauble thyself, as the greatest fool of the three of us. "I promise you this knavish quip touched the Duke closely I saw him change colour and bite his lip. And now, our news are told, noble Crevecoeur, and what think you they resemble?"

Chenevix's shop, and is the prettiest bauble you ever saw. It is set in enamelled meadows, with filigree hedges: A small Euphrates through the piece is told, And little finches wave their wings in gold.

"Na," replied Bauble, standing still and looking about her as if to choose which way she should take. He sighed deeply, and moved off slowly on his way back to his post, with the listless, hopeless air that seems to belong to the members of his calling.

Annyhow she lost this bauble, an' looking round I found it on the little knoll where maybe she sat to do her flower wreathin'." He held up an old-fashioned double silver scarf-pin, the two pins held together by a short silver chain, such as shawls were fastened with in those days. Marjie had had the pin in the light scarf she carried on her arm.