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The hill-Rajah's defiance, boiled down, could only mean one thing, that somebody with sufficient power and money was about to lock horns with Jethro Bass. Not for a moment did Jake believe that, for all his pomp and circumstance, the Honorable Heth Sutton was a big enough man to do this.

Even as Jethro Bass held the mortgages of Coniston and Tarleton and round about, so his lieutenants held mortgages in every town and hamlet of the state, What was a poor farmer to do ? His choice was not between right and wrong, but between a roof over the heads of his wife and children and no roof. He must vote for the candidate of Jethro Bass end corruption or become a homeless wanderer.

He made the responses louder than the clerk an old man with a piping feeble voice, who, I think, felt aggrieved at the Captain's sonorous bass, and quivered higher and higher in consequence. On coming out of church, the brisk Captain paid the most gallant attention to his two daughters.

Suns and their systems of planets sound forth the deep bass tones and rich tenor, while angelic races take the silvery treble of the Divine melody, octave upon octave, by more and ever more ethereal system upon system, to the very throne of Deity the Infinite, Eternal source of Light, Life and Love.

Being essentially Scotch, Jim managed to time his meals so as to last over. And sometimes if a boat was stuck on a sand-bar he did the MacFadden act for a whole day. It became a sort of joke in the office, and we hear of Mr. Bass, the agent, shouting up to the pilot-house of a steamboat, "Avast there, sir, for five minutes until Jim Hill stows his hold."

She had played it at her last music-lesson... dear old Stroodie walking up and down the long drilling-room.... "Steady the bass"; "grip the chords," then standing at her side and saying in the thin light sneery part of his voice, "You can... you've got hands like umbrellas"... and showing her how easily she could stretch two notes beyond his own span.

Now, what could two idle hands do, when one belonged to a man deeply in love, the other to a young woman who for some time had ill-treated her lover and exhausted her severity? Before the end of the first part, the long unoccupied, tapering fingers of the treble were imprisoned by those of the bass, without the least disturbance in the musical effect and the old aunt slept on!

"Where there's a will there's a way; and you, Mr Bass," said the mate, turning to the other boy, "ought to do as well as Harry by this time." "Dickey is fonder of skylarking than shooting the stars," remarked Harry, laughing.

The Reverend John Blackadder, the "auld" minister of Troqueer a noted hero of the Covenant, who afterwards died a prisoner on the Bass Rock travelled with his party all the way from Edinburgh, and a company of eighty horse proceeded to the meeting from Clydesdale. Preliminary services, conducted by Mr. Blackadder and Mr.

The ruin of a soul, the tragedy of a heart, demand, as a necessity of harmony and picturesque effect, a corresponding and conspiring environment and stage just as, in music, the air in the treble is supported and reverberated by the bass accompaniment.