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It was the face of a Greek of a very severe and commanding type, shadowed in some strange way by a look which made the owner of the face absolutely irritating to Barndale. There are some opposites in nature human nature which can only meet to hate each other. These two crossed glances once, and each was displeased with what he saw in the other.

'I think you had something to say, sir, said the military official turning to Barndale, and handing the letter back to Lilian. 'The supposed quarrel between poor Leland and myself is easily explained. We were rehearsing for amateur theatricals, almost nightly, in a somewhat animated scene, and I can only suppose that we were overheard, and that our play was taken for earnest.

'All right, said Mr. Barndale languidly. Nobody, to look at him now, would have guessed how fast his heart beat, and how every nerve in his body fluttered. 'I'm at the same place. When did you come? 'Three hours ago. We're going on to Constantinople. Boat starts at six. 'Ah! said Barndale placidly. 'I'm going on to Constantinople too. 'Now that's what I call jolly, said the other.

'Our bargain holds good still, he said to the inspector, as they went downstairs together. 'Yes, sir, said the inspector, and bade the trio adieu with great politeness. They three took train for Thames Ditton at once, and by the way Barndale told the story of his arrest.

James, outwardly cynical regarding it, was inwardly delighted. He believed in Barndale with a full and firm conviction; and he used to read his friend's work at night, or listen to it when Barndale read, with internal enthusiasm and an exterior of coolness. Barndale knew him through and through, and in one scene in the comedy had drawn the better part of him to the life.

So she kissed Thecla vivaciously, and went to mamma, and persuaded that estimable lady to a visit to Thames Ditton in search of James. Mamma, having regard to the missing Barndale, and being in some matronly alarm for him, consented, and the two set out together. Barndale in the meantime had gone to his own chambers, and had there smoked many deliberative and lonely pipes.

'This, Barndale said, 'is not an expected pleasure, and is all the greater on that account. By a curious coincidence I find we are travelling together to Constantinople. Her hand still lingered in his whilst he said this, and as he ceased to speak he gave it a little farewell pressure. Her sweet hazel eyes quite beamed upon him, and she returned the pressure cordially. But she answered only

But the time went drearily; and Barndale, who was naturally a man to be happy under all sorts of circumstances, suffered all the restlessness, chagrin, and envy with which love in certain of its stages has power to disturb the spirit. He had made up a most heroic mind on this question of Miss Leland some three months ago, and had quite decided that she did not care for him.

Their demands for beer amazed the landlord of the historic 'Swan, and their absorption of steaks left the village butcher in astonishment. But in the midst of all this a purpose came upon Barndale quite suddenly one day as he lay beneath the awning, intent on doing nothing. He had not always been a wealthy man.

'Very good, sir, said he, waving the papers to and fro in the air to dry the ink, and keeping all the while a wary eye on Barndale. 'I know that my opinion goes for nothing, but if I was a grand jury I should throw out the bill, most likely. We'll make it as quiet as we can, sir; but there's two of my men outside, and if there should be any need for force it'll have to be used, that's all.