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On learning that the barin was approaching the mansion, the muzhiks collected on the verandah in very variety of picturesque dress and tonsure; and when these good folk surrounded him, and there arose a resounding shout of "Here is our Foster Father!

A man shuffled along, and seeing that I was awake, went away, returning immediately with a glass of iced tea, which I drank with avidity. I noticed that both his hands were bandaged, and he carried his left arm in a sling. "What more can I get the barin, now he is recovering?" he asked, in Russian, with sulky deference. "Where are we going, to Petersburg?" I asked. "No.

And as Selifan spoke the vehicle tilted to an angle which left Chichikov no choice but to hang on with hands and teeth. At length he realised the fact that Selifan was drunk. "Stop, stop, or you will upset us!" he shouted to the fellow. "No, no, barin," replied Selifan. "HOW could I upset you? To upset people is wrong. I know that very well, and should never dream of such conduct."

Even in his saner moods, as Waliszewski tells us, he "joined to the roughness of a Russian barin all the coarseness of a Dutch sailor." Such in brief suggestion was Peter I. of Russia, half-savage, half-sovereign, the strangest jumble of contradictions who has ever worn the Imperial purple "a huge mastodon, whose moral perceptions were all colossal and monstrous."

He was a Russian and thoroughly aroused. The affair had been no joke. "But for the Superintendent," he reflected, "I might never again have looked upon God's daylight I might have vanished like a bubble on a pool, and left neither trace nor posterity nor property nor an honourable name for my future offspring to inherit!" "What a scurvy barin!" mused Selifan as he drove along.

"I told you not to come here when you were drunk." "I'm not drunk," he said, offended, "only a little. It's not much that you can get these days. I want some money, Barin." "I've none for you," I answered. "It's only a little God knows that I wouldn't ask you for much, but I'm going to be very busy these next days, and it's work that won't bring pay quickly.

Barin!" he whispered, as though Lawrence were a long way from him. "Paul Konstantinovitch! He's mad.... He doesn't know what he's doing. Oh, sir, stop him, stop him, or we shall all be murdered!" "What is he doing?" asked Lawrence, standing up. "In the little hack room," Andre whispered, as though now he were confiding a terrible secret. "Come quickly...!"

This want and neglect was noticeable in the peasants' quarters equally with the quarters of the barin.

Whether or not Petrushka was glad to see the barin return it is impossible to say, but at all events he exchanged a wink with Selifan, and his ordinarily morose exterior seemed momentarily to brighten. "Then you have been travelling far, sir?" said the waiter, as he lit the way upstarts. "Yes," said Chichikov. "What has happened here in the meanwhile?"

In the town of Clisson was born the celebrated Barin de la Galissonniere, Admiral of France, who fought the well-known action off Mahon, in the month of June, 1756, with Admiral Byng, who, in consequence of his conduct on that occasion, was brought to a court martial and shot.