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Barf Latrigg was sixty then, turning a bit gray, but able to shear with any man they could put against him. He'll be ninety now; but his father lived till he was more than a hundred, and most of his fore-elders touched the century. He's had his troubles too." "I never heard of them." "No. They are dead and buried.

"I like all bright, honest, good lads; but when they want to make love to Miss Charlotte Sandal, they think one thing, and I think another. There has been ill-luck with love-making between the Sandals and the Latriggs. My brothers Launcie and Tom quarrelled about one of Barf Latrigg's daughters, and mother lost them both through her.

John of Middle Barra called with the statesman's respects. Will you go, squire?" "Certainly. My men are all to lend a hand. Barf Latrigg is ageing fast now; he was my father's crony; if I slighted him, I should feel as if father knew about it. Which of you will go with me? Thou, mother?" "That, I cannot, squire.

Barf had lost his sight when I got there; but he knew my voice, and he asked me to lay my face against his face. 'I've done well to Sandal, well to Sandal, he muttered at intervals. 'You'll know it some day, William. I can't think what he meant. I hope he hasn't left me any money. I could not take it, Alice." "Was that all?"

"I have had very bad news about the Holler Scree flock, Charlotte, and I must away there to see what can be done. Tell Barf Latrigg it is the sheep, and he will understand: he was always one to put the dumb creatures first. The kindest thing that is in your own heart say it to the dear old man for me; will you, Charlotte?" "You can trust to me, father." "Yes, I know I can; for that and more too.

Sandal was at Up-Hill all the afternoon; and, though the squire did not get home until quite the darkening, he went at once, without taking food or rest, to the dying man. "Why, Barf is very near all the same as my own father," he said. And then, in a lower voice, "and he may see my father before the strike of day. I wouldn't miss Barfs last words for a year of life. I wouldn't that."

"Yer want yer barf?" it asked. "I do, Gertrude," I said; "and after that I want my breakfast. I have a lot to do today." The head withdrew itself, tittering; and a moment later I heard a shrill voice calling down the kitchen stairs. "Grahnd floor wants 'is 'ot water quick." Within about five minutes the ground floor's wish was gratified, Mrs.

There was scented soap, there was a sponge, and a warm, fluffy towel. "I ain't had a barf since Gravesend," said Dickie, and flushed at the indiscretion. "Since when, dear?" "Since Wednesday," said Dickie anxiously. He and the lady had breakfast together in a big room with long windows that the sun shone in at, and, outside, a green garden.

You were at college at the time; and though there was some underhand talk, maybe you never heard it, for no one round Sandal-Side would pass on a word likely to trouble the old squire, or offend Mistress Charlotte. Now, perhaps it was at that time Barf Latrigg 'did well to Sandal." "I think you may be right, Alice. I remember that father was a bit mean with me the last year I was at Oxford.

The first interview between the squire and Stephen after Barf Latrigg's funeral was not a pleasanter one than this misunderstanding promised. Sandal was walking on Sandal Scree-top one morning, and met Steve. "Good-morning, Mr. Latrigg," he said; "you are a statesman now, and we must give you your due respect." He did not say it unkindly; but Steve somehow felt the difference between Mr.