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Nosey Baines, Stoker Second-class, was a man with a past. He also owned a grievance when he presented himself for entry into His Majesty's Navy. They were about his only possessions. "Nosey" was not, of course, his strict baptismal name. That was Orson no less. Therein lay the past. "Nosey" was the result of facial peculiarities quite beyond his control.

"Baptismal name George," continued Bellew, "lately of New York, Newport, and er other places in America, U.S.A., at present of Nowhere-in-Particular." "Ah!" said Mr. Cassilis, his eyes seeming to grow a trifle nearer together, "an American Uncle? Still, I was not aware of even that relationship."

The tawny slime defeated irresolute efforts, and my slipping hands bestowed a baptismal splash. Instantly I became conscious of a strange presence, and, glancing over my shoulder, saw an unfamiliar black boy lurking behind a glistening-fronded Cycad. The whole scene had undergone wishful transformation.

If it's a new bug, or a microscope insect we put it into the hands of a man who knows just what high scientific authority to apply to; if it's the middle name of your next door neighbor we'll give it to you from his baptismal record.

If the Holy Father does not arrive soon, we shall be too late to say mincha." Levi laughed heartily; the reference to the Jewish afternoon prayer went home to him. "That story sums up in a nutshell the whole history of the great movement for the conversion of the Jews. We dip ourselves in baptismal water and wipe ourselves with a Talith.

At the instigation of his publisher he had discarded the baptismal Augustus and taken the front name of Mark. "Women like a name that suggests some one strong and silent, able but unwilling to answer questions.

They found such a refuge at length, in a lodging-house kept by the widow of a curate in Catharine street, Strand. Here the ruined duke and marquis dropped their titles, and lived only under their baptismal name and family names.

The return of their Majesties to Paris brought with them a return of rejoicings and fetes on the occasion of the baptismal ceremony of the King of Rome, and the fetes by which it was accompanied were celebrated at Paris with a pomp worthy of their object. They had as spectators the entire population of Paris, increased by a prodigious crowd of strangers of every class.

I fancied it like early troubles, keeping baptismal dew fresh and bright; and those jewels of living light went on to connect themselves with the radiant coronets of some whom the world might call blighted in It had brought on one of his severe fits of coughing. Violet was going to ring for Brown, but he stopped her by a sign, which he tried to make reassuring.

In the chambers of those pyramid-shrines are still traces of the material presence of the De Danaans; not only their baptismal fonts, but more earthly things ornaments, beads of glass and amber, and combs with which they combed their golden locks.