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Elderly Sisters Trippet, having failed to arouse our enthusiasm by allowing us a brief glimpse of an ankle, would put aside all frivolity, and tell us of a hero lover named George, who had fought somebody somewhere for his Queen and country. "He fell!" bang from the big drum and blue limelight. In a recumbent position he appears to have immediately started singing "God save the Queen."

The houses on either side were taller than mine, and for this little hollow it seemed as if all the iron roofing of the town had steered a direct course. The pieces came down, borne by the shrieking wind, and landed with rattle and bang. My house swayed at every gust. It seemed that the cross-beams in the roof moved at least a foot each way.

The concavities of my body are like another Hell for their capacity. There is not a corner, nor coney-burrow in all my body, where this wine doth not ferret out my thirst. Ho, this will bang it soundly. But this shall banish it utterly. Let us wind our horns by the sound of flagons and bottles, and cry aloud, that whoever hath lost his thirst come not hither to seek it.

He had practised his "short" in the night school, with the "L" thundering past at intervals of five minutes; in the newspaper office, with all the babel of New York about him and the bang of steam-drills going on below in the next lot, where the foundation of a new building was being excavated; he had practised it in his hall bedroom at Mrs.

Louis, Captain Lige had done his best to cheer her, and he did not intend to desist now. "This beats all," he cried. "So this is Washington, Why, it don't compare to St. Louis, except we haven't got the White House and the Capitol. Jinny, it would take a scow to get across the street, and we don't have ramshackly stores and nigger cabins bang up against fine Houses like that. This is ragged.

As they went along the corridor and caught a glimpse of her light under the door, Jim cried gaily: 'Now then, out with that light! A little thing like you ought to be asleep hours since. She listened for the bang of their door, and then, very hurriedly, she removed her pink frock and put on an old black one, which was rather tight in the waist.

Should I continue to humor her? for further parleying was wholly out of the question. And if I wrote anything at all, it would doubtless have to pass her critical inspection and also into her possession before she would yield an inch. I had to decide quickly. I started to shake my head, and bang! the pistol blazed right into my face.

For half an hour after George had taken his pack and a rifle and gone on, Hubbard and I slowly followed his trail through the snow. Then in the distance we heard a "Bang!" and after a short interval, "Bang! Bang!" three shots in all. "He's seen them," said Hubbard. "And shot one," said I.

"I came down to inquire when you would like to go exploring for buried treasure, Mr. Smart," she said, after the cylinder had slipped back with a bang that almost startled her out of her pretty boots and caused her to give up typewriting then and there, forevermore. "Never put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day," quoted I glibly. She looked herself over.

And he banged the door!" "Does he not bang doors usually?" "Never. And he banged it hard. It shook the house." "But people have to bang doors, hard, sometimes, even ministers. I wouldn't worry if I were you. It probably did him the world of good. As for the collars he may have been noticing Dr. Callandar's. Mrs. Sykes says the doctor sends all his laundry to the city." "You don't say?