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Rosamond Lee said to herself that it had been a wise stratagem on her part to make her maid exchange places with Jessie Bain until after the handsome young man should come and go. The tasks that Rosamond Lee laid out for Jessie were cruelly hard. She would say to her each morning, as she laid out this or that bit of work: "This must be finished by to-morrow morning."

For a few moments consciousness of all else but that sound remained with him only in a dazed, half real way, and as John Cummins had called upon the angels at Lac Bain many years ago when he, too, had gone out into the night to meet this wonderful music, so Jan Thoreau's soul cried to them now as he clutched Kazan to him, and stumbled on.

Besides, you know all the trappers on the company's books at Lac Bain. So he sent for you, and begs you not to worry about your fur lines, as he will pay you double what you would catch in the time you are at the Post." "And Nepeese?" said Pierrot. "M'sieu expects me to bring her?" From the stove the Willow bent her head to listen, and her heart leaped free again at DeBar's answer.

And, sitting there, he was face to face with the truth that his heart, in all its loneliness, had gone out to Jessie Bain in the rebound, and he knew that life would never be the same to him if she were to prefer another to himself. He rang the bell sharply, and in response to the summons one of the servants soon appeared.

There were two or three other fellows on the ranche with my friend Bain. Fine, big fellows they were, too; loose-limbed and strong featured. Scarcely one of them was over five-and-twenty, yet you would have vowed that such development in face, feature, and limb could not have been attained before the age of thirty-five years.

I wish I could always look pleasant cheerful. But I can't. Well! well! it won't last for ever. I never feel well never never never! And I'm so faint and weak in the morning! But he has no patience with me. He doesn't know what it is to feel sick. Ah me!" And her voice sighed itself away into silence. With what a rebuking force did these words fall upon the ears of Mr. Bain!

In spite of ethnological and philological distinctions, geographical association makes it more natural to include a Finnish tale in the volume with Scandinavian stories than in any other volume of this collection. From "Squire Hellman." Translated by R. Nisbet Bain. Published by the Cassell Publishing Co.

Of course it is imposseeble in Cancale to have ze grand bain of Paris, but then zare is still something, a bath quite spécial, simple, and of ze people. Remember, monsieur, it is Bäader." And so, with a cheery "Bon soir" from madame, and a profound bow from Bäader, I fell asleep. The next morning I was awakened by a rumbling in the lower hold, as if the cargo was being shifted.

For the physical things he had done there was no fear in Bush McTaggart's heart as he turned back toward Lac Bain. No one would ever look into the grave of Pierrot Du Quesne. And there was no one to betray him if such a miracle happened. But of one thing his black soul would never be able to free itself.

From the first instant that she beheld her standing on the threshold, she had conceived a great dislike and fear of Hubert's haughty lady-mother. Even the conversation and explanation which she had just listened to did not change her first impression. Thus it happened that Jessie Bain took up her abode in the magnificent home of the Varricks.