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We cleared the gumbo cut west of the Beaver at a pretty good clip, in order to make the grade on the other side. The bridge there is hidden in summer by a grove of hackberries. I had just pulled open to cool her a bit when I noticed how high the back-water was on each side of the track. Suddenly I felt the fill going soft under the drivers; felt the 44 wobble and slew.

"Is a wicked, unjust man," flared out Frank, "and you are just as bad. Neither of you can possibly believe that I would steal. Why, I don't have to steal. I have what money I need, and more than that. I tell you, if my father was here I think you people would take back-water quick enough. When he does come, you shall suffer for this." Judge Roseberry looked impressed.

I called and waved to the forest, and he turned and steered for its bank, but did not reach the shelving sand till he was well tumbled in the top of the rapid, out of which he only emerged in time to catch a little back-water, which helped him on to the shore.

"Man man," he cries, "what a saddle I could make when I wrote that!" And he turns wearily to his task again. Oscar Fernald paces in busily, and in half an hour Lycurgus Mason, who has been thrown out of the current of life, drifts into his place in the back-water, and the parliament is ready for business. They see Gabriel Carnine totter by, chasing after pennies to add to his little pile.

He'll swamp you with cracked ice and back-water if you don't get out of the way. "'It's mighty lucky for us, Andy, says I, 'that this cigar exponent with the parsley dressing saw fit to bedeck us with his childlike trust and altruism. For, says I, 'this money of his is an eyesore to my sense of rectitude and ethics.

And beneath him there appeared now the life-giving earth and cities of men and sacred streams of rivers, and now in turn mountain peaks and the ocean all around, as he swept through the vast expanse of air. Now the heroes apart in ambush, in a back-water of the river, were met in council, sitting on the benches of their ship.

This manoeuvre which, in the language of the course, would have been called "taking the track," had the additional advantage of throwing upon those who followed some trifling impediment from the back-water.

Then, at the whaler's orders, the boat was swung round and the men held their oars ready to back-water. The place could not have been picked out with greater accuracy if the whaler had known the exact spot where the big cetacean was going to appear. Within thirty feet of the boat the water began to swirl and boil.

It took them four days of hard work to make their way up to the mission-station, although the distance was but fifty miles, and it was only by keeping close to the shore, and utilizing every eddy and back-water, that they succeeded in stemming the current. The mission had now its full number of occupants, and they were received with the greatest kindness.

Oh! well, he must do his best to wake it up, infuse a spirit of progress into it more in keeping with nineteenth-century ideas. Everyone would be grateful to him A little questioning pause assurance in momentary eclipse. Then with renewed cheerfulness Of course they would the upper classes, that is. For they must feel the disadvantages of living in such a back-water.