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But he would probably have been a dead and dismal failure on any other stage than that of wide Australia. Peter came back and they sat and smoked, and maybe they reflected along four very different back-tracks for a while. The surveyor started to sing again: I have heard the mavis singing Her love-song to the morn. I have seen the dew-drop clinging To the rose just newly born.

By it you always know about where you are. It is to some degree a memory for back-tracks and landmarks, but to a greater extent an instinct for the lay of the country, for relative bearings, by which you are able to make your way across-lots back to your starting-place. It is not an uncommon faculty, yet some lack it utterly.

"What's done is done." "It's not yet too late to undo the work," suggested Mr. Dix. "Yes, it is. I'm not the man to make back-tracks. Good-day, Mr. Dix?" And speaking to his horse, Mr. Bolton started off at a brisk trot. He did not feel very comfortable. How could he? He felt that he had done wrong, and that trouble and mortification were before him.

Thanks to that white stuff, our back-tracks can be seen without difficulty, and to a sufficient distance for our purpose." Long before Cypriano has reached the end of his explanatory discourse, Ludwig, of quick wit too, catches his meaning, and with an enthusiasm equalling that of the gaucho, cries out: "Viva, sobrino mio! You're a genius!"

Bolton's excitement had cooled a trifle, and it came into his mind that possibly he might have acted a little hastily; but the order had been given to cut off the right of way, and he was not the man to "make back-tracks" in any thing. "Do you see that, Edward?" said Mrs.

"They gains ther baleful power ter kill folks with witch balls, rolled tight outen ther hair of a cow or a varmint. By runnin' a hand over a rifle gun they kin make hit shoot crooked. They kin spell a houn' dog so thet he back-tracks 'stid of trailin' for'ards. They kin bring on all manner of pestilence an' make cows go dry an' hosses fling their riders. They kin "

Just before you reach the Whitney drive there is a right angle turn from the trail which we were following; it back-tracks a little, errs and strays through some fine jasmine "bowers," and comes out at the old race track. "It's early," I said; "let's go this way." She wheeled her pony instantly. "Do you always do what you're told?"