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Jameson to make his discourse more brilliant. We like to hear 'Mrs. Jameson observes. Give our love to dear Gerardine. I am anxious for her happiness and yours involved in it. Love and remember us, dearest friend. Your E.B.B., or rather, BA. The following note is added in Mr. Browning's handwriting: Dear Aunt Nina, Will there be three years before I see you again?

"Bravery was his trade," answered another: "act like a sheep and you'll be eaten by the wolf." "It was a bad business about her that was Guida Landresse," remarked a third. "Every man knows himself, God knows all men," snuffled the fanatical barber who had once delivered a sermon from the Pompe des Brigands. "He made things lively while he lived, ba su!" droned the jailer of the Vier Prison.

I'll go and stuff the straw into Jim's clothes to represent his mother in disguise, and be ready to BA like a sheep and shove soon as you get there."

Isis and Horus still ruled the affections and worship of Europe with a change of names. Egypt also exercised an immense influence upon the Church in the Trinitarian controversy. That was a purely Egyptian dispute, between two presbyters brought up in the atmosphere of intricacies about the ka, the khu, the khat, the ba, the sahu, the khaybat, and the various other entities which constituted man.

The Egyptians once believed that when death came to a man, the soul of him, which they called the Ba, winged its way to the gods, but that, moved by a sweet unselfishness, it returned sometimes to his tomb, to give comfort to the poor, deserted mummy. Upon the lids of sarcophagi it is sometimes represented as a bird, flying down to, or resting upon, the mummy.

But do you see those sheep coming yonder? Now I know another riddle." "No!" cried Damie, "no! Two are enough for me I can't remember three!" "Yes, you must hear this one too, or else I'll take the others back!" And Damie kept repeating to himself, anxiously: "A chain," "Eat it itself," while Amrei asked: "On which side have sheep the most wool?" "Ba! ba! on the outside!" she sang merrily.

"Guess who's wrote me a letter?" she asked of Guida, who had taken up some sewing, and was now industriously regarding the stitches. At Carterette's question, Guida looked up and said with a smile, "Some one you like, I see." Carterette laughed gaily. "Ba su, I should think I did in a way. But what's his name? Come, guess, Ma'm'selle Dignity."

It is a heart which runs over very often with a grateful joy for a most peculiar destiny, even in the midst of some bitter drawbacks which I need not allude to farther.... May God bless you continually, even as I am Your affectionate BA. To Mrs. Jameson Palazzo Guidi: July 15, .

He's the workingest man in this here county, ba thundas! What! Jim he don't sit 'round like you fellers down on th' creek an' wait fer pawpaws to git ripe, so he can git a square meal, ba thundas!" The bold mountaineer wilted. Uncle Ike proceeded with the business of his office. "Here's Sallie Rhodes done writ her maw a card from th' Corners. Sallie's been a visitin' her paw's folks.

It is rather because there are a great many things in this world too sacred to parody. If Browning could really convey to the world the inmost core of his affection for his wife, I see no reason why he should not. But the objection to letters which begin "My dear Ba," is that they do not convey anything of the sort.