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The two bowed; the stony glance of the lord met the impassive one of the man. Then a puzzled look came into the nobleman's eyes; he gazed at Steele more closely; his glance cleared. "Thought for an instant I'd seen you somewhere before, b'Jove!" he drawled in his metallic tone. "But, of course, I haven't. Never forget a face, don't you know."

And bowing to her and to the others he once more turned; as he passed Lord Ronadsle, the eyes of the two men again met; those of the nobleman suddenly dilated and he started. "B'Jove!" he exclaimed, his gaze following the retreating figure. "What is it?" Sir Charles looked around. "Recall where you thought you saw him?"

George "The host! B'Jove! I forgot to hunt him up!" Unfortunately, mine host had allowed his surroundings to belittle himself. Many a brilliant "social event" might properly be chronicled under the head-line: "Total Eclipse of the Host!" so insignificant does the man become when he carries his standards of social entertaining in his pocket-book instead of in his brains.

Then when C began to come along I said, 'Cayley, b'Jove' bright, aren't I? and I simply hared to the other end of the passage for all I was worth. And hared back again. Because I thought you might be getting rather involved in explanations about where I was, and so on." "You didn't see Mark, then?" "No. Nor his No, I didn't see anything." "Nor what?" Antony was silent for a moment.