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"Done wid it!" echoed the Magpie, with a short laugh. "Wot do youse t'ink! He's been luggin' it home to his swell joint up dere on de avenoo, an' crammin' his safe full of it." Larry the Bat sucked in his breath. "Gee, dat's soft!" he murmured, and then suddenly, as though with painful inspiration: "Say, Slimmy say, are youse sure youse ain't been handed a steer?" The Magpie grinned wickedly.

I s'pose you think you'll walk up Fifth Avenoo in the church parade, an' folks'll stare at you, an' nudge each other an' whisper 'Looka there! That's Miss Cora Slawson that you read so much about in the papers. That one on the right-hand side, wearin' the French shappo, with the white ribbon, an' the grand vinaigrette onto it. Ain't she han'some?"

"I did do it," she declared excitedly. "That there boy dared me to. Ketch me takin' a dare offen a avenoo kid!" "What's your name, Sis?" asked the policeman. "Nance Molloy." "Where do you live?" "Up there at Snawdor's. That there was Mis' Snawdor a-yellin' at me." "Is she yer mother?" "Nope. She's me step." "And yer father?" "He's me step too.

Swiftly she changed the position of a Turkish rug so as to hide a spot on the polished floor that had been recently scrubbed and was still moist. It seemed best to discover Nora's plan of campaign before taking over the charge of affairs. "Many's the time I've met yuh goin' down the Avenoo with your heels clickin' an' your head high," came the rich brogue of Nora O'Flannigan.

He starts like an actor on top de stoige when he sees he's up ag'inst de plot to ruin him, an' he gives me de fierce eye." "Well?" "I was wonderin' was I on Thoid Avenoo, or was I standin' on me coco, or what was I doin' anyhow. Den I slips off, an' chases meself up here. Say, boss, what's de game? What's old man McEachern doin' stunts dis side fer?" "It's all right, Spike. Keep calm.

My friend is a native, so he don't speak German or English either they have a language of their own in 'Gran' Avenoo'." "I see," said Pesita "a German colony. I like the Germans they furnish me with much ammunition and rifles. They are my very good friends.

"And there's plenty handsome young girls that'd like their pictures published. "None of them have been in Sunday papers before, and they'd like it. The four Schwartz girls would make grand pictures. They dress splendid, and their bridesmaids dresses came from the biggest place in Fift' Avenoo." "Say," exclaimed Tembarom, rising from his chair, "I'm in luck.

They speedily recovered, however, from their surprise, and one of the men turning to the leader said, "My, ain't she purty, Jim!" "She is that," replied Jim promptly. "She looks better than she did when I took my last trip to Niag'ra. When I left my house on Fifth Avenoo I didn't think she'd ever measure up to what she was that time, but she is goin' one better.

I wouldn't ask more'n a quarter of the profits." "Which would be a very liberal proposal on your part," said Fosdick, smiling. "But perhaps Mr. Stewart might object to a partner living on Mott Street." "I'd just as lieves move to Fifth Avenoo," said Dick. "I aint got no prejudices in favor of Mott Street."

You see how it is, don't you? Well, last Christmas, Mrs. She told me all about it. Fine? It'd break your heart to think o' one o' them poor innercent colleens over there pricklin' her eyes out, makin' such grandjer for the like o' me, when no doubt she thought she was doin' it for some great dame, would be sportin' it out loud, in her auta on Fifth Avenoo.