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The athetoid movements of the toes correspond to those of the fingers in point of action. The differential diagnosis of athetosis is generally easily made. The only nervous affections with which it could possibly be confounded are chorea and paralysis agitans.

Athetoid symptoms of an aggravated character, involving both upper and both lower extremities, had developed previous to her admission into this hospital, but it was impossible to find out when and how they began. She had never had, to the knowledge of her friends, an attack of 'apoplexy, nor of paralysis. The head was symmetric, and without scars thereon.

She frequently complained of headache, and when she was exceedingly irritable and violent all the athetoid movements would be intensified. Speech was jerky and disordered, which gave it a distinctive character. The special senses seemed to be unimpaired, and the pupils were normal, except when an epileptic attack came on.

In an athetoid hand, says Starr, the interossei and lumbricales, which flex the metacarpo-phalangeal and extend the phalangeal joints, are affected; rarely are the long extensors and the long flexors affected. Therefore the hand is usually in the so-called interosseal position, with flexion of the proximal and extension of the middle and distal phalanges.