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He placed under one of the volumes a small purse of gold; for, economical even in his superstitions, Louis conceived the Astrologer sufficiently bound to his service by the pensions he had assigned him, and thought himself entitled to the use of his skill at a moderate rate, even upon great exigencies.

At noon, he brought out his quadrant, a rusty old thing, so odd-looking that it might have belonged to an astrologer. Sometimes, when rather flustered from his potations, he went staggering about deck, instrument to eye, looking all over for the sun a phenomenon which any sober observer might have seen right overhead.

Is there any one that seeketh? As he was thus crying and the people remonstrating with him, King Ghaiour heard his voice and the clamour of the folk and said to his Vizier, 'Go down and bring me yon astrologer. So the Vizier went down and taking Kemerezzeman from the midst of the crowd, carried him up to the King, before whom he kissed the earth, repeating the following verses: Eight elements of high renown are all comprised in thee; By them may Fortune never cease thy bounder slave to be!

Let me have an almanac, please, to find an auspicious day." After examining it and receiving a ten-rupee note from Jadu Babu, the astrologer said oracularly that he would return on the following afternoon, with a lad of twelve, who had been born under the Constellation of the Scales.

"Very well, sir," taking the note. "How's the wind, Lord Geoffrey?" "An Irishman's hurricane, sir; right up and down. Our first says, sir, he never knew finer channel weather." "Our first is a great astrologer. Is the fleet riding flood yet?" "No, sir; it's slack-water; or, rather, the ebb is just beginning to make."

The paper is a map of the heavens; and he sits there watching the stars, marking them in position on the map, the clock telling him the exact time." "An astronomer," said Sergius. "And an astrologer," she added; "and besides these things he is a doctor, but goes only amongst the poor, taking nothing from them.

The Priestess was partially facing them, composed, yet with a serious thoughtfulness of mien. At last, Hermo, looking up, said, "The directions for the present year of life are made out, and the fatal arc carefully computed, Venerated Master," and handed his work to the Astrologer who took it, studied a moment briefly, and turned to the Priestess.

Lady Kingsland listened, and that quiet smile of half amusement, half contempt never left her lips. "And the horoscope proved a horrorscope, no doubt," she said, the smile deepening. "You paid your astrologer handsomely, I presume, Sir Jasper?" "I gave him nothing. He would take nothing not even a cup of water.

"The wise will thereby give you to understand that you have this time mistaken your daughter for the queen," said John Heywood, emphasizing sharply every word, "and that it has happened to you, as to many a great astrologer, you have taken a planet for a sun." Earl Douglas cast a dark, spiteful look at John Heywood, who answered it with one equally piercing and furious.

Let them go, and take warning from their master's fate." Now, as it chanced in the confusion, Merytra had been pushed against Kaku. "Hearken," whispered the astrologer into the woman's ear. "Do as I bid you last night, and all will yet be well. Do it or die. Do you hear me?" "I hear, and I will obey," answered Merytra in the same low voice.