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'Je vous prie de vous asseoir, he said, on such an occasion, with gentle mockery. And it is just in this respect that people make such terrible mistakes in the execution of his works." And now to the Mazurkas, which de Lenz said were Heinrich Heine's songs on the piano. "Chopin was a phoenix of intimacy with the piano. In his nocturnes and mazurkas he is unrivalled, downright fabulous."

It turned out that she had just been for a month in Paris with another school-fellow. Something she said about a new play suddenly made me look at her. 'Venez vous asseoir ici, mademoiselle, s'il vous plaît près de moi, I said to her I can hear my own voice now, poor fool, and see her flush up. Ah!"

See Adventure XIX, note 1. "Aldrian's son", i.e., Dankwart. F. "asseoir" 'to set', 'place', Lat. ADVENTURE XXXIII. How The Burgundians Fought The Huns. When brave Dankwart was come within the door, he bade King Etzel's meiny step aside. His garments dripped with blood and in his hand he bare unsheathed a mighty sword.

It was like the cuckoo hopping from the clock to sing his note at every quarter. There were little tables in every corner, all covered with virgin-white cloths and, in the centre of each, a vase full of chrysanthemums. It was all in order all spick and span French, every touch of it. "Ou voulez-vous asseoir, Monsieur? Sous l'escalier?"

Il alla ensuite saluer le fils aîné du roi, et lui présenter ses présens et ses lettres. Ce prince étoit, comme son père, entouré de trois personnes assises. Mais quand l'ambassadeur lui fit la révérence, il se leva, se rassit, le fit asseoir

Il m'invita un jour a diner a son club et au moment de me faire asseoir a cote de lui, il me retint et me dit: 'Je voudrais vous demander de m'accorder quelque chose. C'est mon sentiment que nos relations ne peuvent pas se bien continuer si vous ne me donnez pas la permission de vous tutoyer.

Quand l'ambassadeur fut entré on le fit asseoir près de la porte avec beaucoup d'autres personnes qui attendoient que le maître sortit de sa chambre pour faire porte. D'abord les trois bachas entrèrent avec le gouverneur de Grèce et autres qu'ils appellent seigneurs. Sa chambre donnoit sur une très-grande cour. Le gouverneur alla l'y attendre. Il parut.

Antoinette, priez le gentilhomme de 'asseoir." The leetle gal offered me a stool, but I didn't set down. "Mounseer," said I, in some French manufactured for the occasion, "I havey broughtee you sommey oysteries," and I showed him the kittle, with the kiver off. I thought his eyes kind of vatered at the sight, but he sighed, and turnin' to the leetle gal, said,

Je vis aussi dans une halle un spectacle lamentable: c'étoient des chrétiens, hommes et femmes, que l'on vendoit. L'usagé est de les faire asseoir sur les bancs. Celui qui veut les acheter ne voit d'eux que le visage et les mains, et un peu le bras des femmes. A Damas j'avois vu vendre une fille noire, de quinze

"If you don't continue your sewing, mademoiselle," said Doggie, "I shall think that I am disturbing you, and must bid you good night." Jeanne sat down and resumed her work. A sensation, more like laughter than anything else, fluttered round Doggie's heart. "Voulez-vous vous asseoir, Monsieur Trevor?"