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The former can count on assent, the latter on inattention. When into the house of the heart Curiosity is admitted as the guest of Love she turns her host out of doors. Happiness has not to all the same name: to Youth she is known as the Future; Age knows her as the Dream. "Who art thou, there in the mire?" "Intuition. I leaped all the way from, where thou standest in fear on the brink of the bog."

Now read it slowly, and Sir Wycherly will assent, if he approve." This was done, and Sir Wycherly not only approved, but it was apparent to all present, the abashed and confounded Tom himself not excepted, that he approved, with a feeling akin to delight. "That gives a black eye to all the land, hey!

Lord Borodaile bowed his assent. "Pray," said Mr. St. George to Clarence, "have you seen my friend Talbot lately?" "This very morning," replied Linden: "indeed, I generally visit him three or four times a week; he often asks after you." "Indeed!" said Mr. St.

Don't you think you had better come up there, and let me bring Miss Dorrit? She signified her assent, and he unlocked a door and conducted her up a side staircase into a dwelling-house above. He showed her into a darkening room, and left her.

The rest nodded a grand assent; the pipe was relighted; and all was silent as before. Another pipe is empty. "Looking at this inventory," said the curate, "I should imagine the articles to be of no great value.

But the Assembly soon tamed him and in 1696 actually worried out of him a new constitution, which became known as Markham's Frame, proved much more popular than the one Penn had given, and allowed the Assembly much more power. Markham had no conceivable right to assent to it and Penn never agreed to it; but it was lived under for the next four years until Penn returned to the province.

As her lover I would defend her to the last drop of my blood, but if she wants to leave me I can only assent, though with sorrow." "You speak with much sense, and I hope you will not be displeased at my undertaking this good work. Of course I shall do nothing without your consent." "I respect the decrees of fate when they are promulgated by such a man as you.

"Then ye'll consent ter pull off ther race in Snyder?" asked the old man eagerly. "I am, if ther other boys will consent ter it," said Bud. "All right with me," said Ted, and the other boys voiced their assent. It looked as if there was a good bit of fun in prospect. "Thanks, boys," said the old man, with a catch in his voice, as if he was deeply touched.

I am not prepared to give an unqualified assent to this theory, for I have known some people who were quite illiterate who held very gloomy views. At the same time it seems to me there is something in it. When an unbookish individual is in the dumps, he is conscious of his own misery, but he does not attribute it to all the world. The evil is narrowly localized.

Ere Harold could reply, Githa exclaimed: "Leave there thy right hand on my child's head, and say, simply: 'By my troth and my plight, if the Duke detain Wolnoth, son of Githa, against just plea, and King's assent to his return, I, Harold, will, failing letter and nuncius, cross the seas, to restore the child to the mother." Harold hesitated.