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Lady Tilchester talked to me about the garden and the ball the night before, and at last asked me when I was going to be married. It seemed to bring me back with a rush to earth from some enchanted world which contained no Augustus. "I don't know," I faltered, and then, ashamed of my silly voice, said, firmly, "Grandmamma has not arranged the date yet "

Thus sang the bard, but Ulysses drew his purple mantle over his head and covered his face, for he was ashamed to let the Phaeacians see that he was weeping.

With respect to myself, I feel greatly ashamed; and it has occurred to me that should I he cast on a bed of sickness, or otherwise be deprived of an opportunity of exercising this gift, it would be an awful consideration, and cause of deep regret, that I had not better improved the time.

"Dear me! Dear me!" he said, hastily. "Please don't trouble. Ah good-morning. I must go really yes." He was on his way toward the bank, but the young woman called his name. "Mr. Bangs," she said. He turned. "Did you did you wish to speak to me?" he asked. "Why why, yes, I Mr. Bangs, I I want to ask a favor of you. I know, Nelson, but what is the use, after all? We've done nothing to be ashamed of.

If a woman were hump-backed, and had only one eye, they wouldn't be ashamed to tell her she was a Venus." "But, aunt, you are a handsome woman, you know." "Laws, my dear, as if I didn't understand all about it; as if I didn't know what makes a woman run after? It isn't beauty, and it isn't money altogether. I've seen women who had plenty of both, and not a man would come nigh them.

"I fear it not," said De Valette; "she would not greet me coldly after so long an absence; and though you smile at my folly, I am not ashamed to confess my eagerness to see her." "She already knows her power over you but too well," said La Tour; "shew her that you are indifferent disdainful, if you like and trust me, she will learn to prize the love, which she now pretends to slight."

I did not know my life was threatened, but the admiral may find a foe in any thicket. I am heartily sorry the villain escaped us." "I am downright ashamed on 't!" cried Johnnie. He drew himself up to his full height and stretched out a brawny arm. "I ought to have crushed him 'twixt finger and thumb as I would a wasp. A lean, shrivelled, hole-and-corner coward!"

And I believe your only reason for refusing him is because of Bob Kingston. Now, don't fly in the face of Providence just out of a bit of rotten sentiment which you ought to be ashamed of at your age." My brain reeled. I had never heard of Bob Kingston.

May I now go back, and go up to the wicket-gate? Shall I not be abandoned for this, and sent back from thence ashamed? I am sorry I have hearkened to this man's counsel. But may my sin be forgiven? Then did Christian address himself to go back; and Evangelist, after he had kissed him, gave him one smile, and bid him God-speed.

"Papa, I'm so sorry, so very sorry for my badness, so ashamed of not being obedient to such a dear, kind father," she said, low and tremulously, blushing painfully as she spoke. "Please, I want you to punish me well for it." "Have I not already done so, daughter?" he asked. "I doubt if this has been a happy day to you." "Oh, no, indeed, papa!