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Phadrick, lie down till I illusthrate." "How is that, Dinny? I can hear you sittin'." "Lie down, you reptile, or I shall decline the narration altogether." "Arra, lie down, Phadrick; sure he only wants to show you the rason o' the thing." "Well, well; I'm down. Now Dinny, don't let your feet be too larned, if you plase." "Silence! taceto! you reptile.

Arra, be me sowl, you'd make two like them, so you would; an' if you hadn't a penny, I'd marry you afore aither o' them to-morrow. Now, there's the whole sacret, an' don't be onaisy about it. Tell Father O'Hara how it is, whin you go home, an' that he must call the three o' you to me agin on next Sunday, and the Sunday afther, plase Goodness; jist that I may keep my promise to them.

Or it may be compared, he says, in the priface of the work, 'to the three states of the Catholic church the church Militant, the church Suffering and the church Triumphant. The larnin' of that man was beyant the reach of credibility." "Arra, have you a small glass, Masther? You see, Misther O'Flaherty, it's consarnin' purgatory, this that I want to talk about."

"Augh," said Skinadre, "by the livin' it's in him, an' I always knew it was the rale drop." "Boys," said Harte, "go off wid yez out o' this, I say; divil a foot you'll come in." "Arra go to Jimmaiky; who cares about you, Syl, when we have Art's liberty? Sure we didn't know the thing ourselves half an hour ago."

Divil a one livin' knows me betther than Toal Finigan, sure enough, boys." "Arra, Art, do you remember the day you crossed the weir, below Tom Booth's," pursued Toal, "when the river was up, and the wather jist intherin' your mouth?" "That was the day Peggy Booth fainted, when she thought I was gone; begad, an' I was near it." "The very day."

"Norton," said Dandy, whose heart was going at full speed, with a hope that he had at length got into the right track, "it's a purty name in troth. Arra, Nancy, do you know was your misthress ever in France?" "Ay, was she," replied Nancy. "Many a year maid to let me see what's this the name is? Ay! Cullamore. Maid to the wife of Lord Cullamore.

The coast trends E. by N. and W. by S. From Cape Palmas to Arra castle is 95 leagues, and from thence to the western point of Cape Three-points it is S.E. by S. and N.W. by N. This western point of Cape Three-points is low land, stretching half a mile out to sea, and on the neck nearest the land is a tuft of trees.

"Darby, my friend, there are none of us perfect we all have our frailties our precious little ay! yes; you know, Darby, the just man falleth seven times a day." Darby started, and despite of all the influence of his new creed exclaimed "Blessed Saints, seven times! Arra when was this, Mr. M'Slime?

Barney dear, there's a queer Sort of feelin' round me heart, that gives me pain, And I think the likes o' me could learn to like the likes o' ye, Arra, come in, Barney McKane, out of the rain!" So absorbed was she in trying operatic effects that she did not notice an approaching automobile until it came to a stop in the road below.

"Do you see that round-faced, good-humored looking man, with a decent frieze coat on?" said their conductor. "He's a wealthy and respectable farmer from the county of Kilkenny, who imagines that he is Christ. His name is Rody Rafferty." "Come here, Rody." Rody came over, and looking at the stranger, said, "Arra, now, do you know who I am? Troth, I go bail you don't."