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"Yes, honey, dat he did gib us Fourth of July a plenty o' holiday a beef kilt, a mutton, hogs, salt, pepper, an' eberyting. He hab a gre't trench dug, and a whole load of wood put in it an' burned down to coals. Den dey put wooden spits across, an' dey had spoons an' basted de meat. An' we 'vite all de culled people aroun', an' dey come, an' we had fine times."

"Now, Wiesacajac, he'll been always kin'. 'Oh, now, my childrens, he'll say, 'this is bad news what you give me, ver' bad indeed. You'll make me cry on you, I'll been so sorry for you. You're on this lake where the win' comes, an' the country is bare, an' there is no game. "He'll look aroun' an' see nothing in those camp but one piece of swanskin, ol' dry swanskin, all eat clean of meat.

"I knew it was a put-up job between you an' Doane, an' I figured you'd maybe meet aroun' here where Doane would be sure to come to try an' take this woman with him." Rathburn eyed him calmly. There was something of a deadly calm in his very posture, as he stood just within the threshold. He looked past Eagen to Doane. Then he tossed the sack on the table.

Thar'd been one young feller up thar from the settlemints, a-cavortin' aroun', an' they was studyin' 'bout gittin' him. "Bretherin' an' sisteren," I says, atter the leetle chap was gone, "he's got the fortitood to speak an' he shorely is well favored.

I slep' with Buck the bootblack that night, an' nex' mornin', early, I started out in the country. I was 'fraid they'd find me if I stayed aroun' the city. It was pirty near afternoon 'fore I got out where the fields is, an' then a woman, she give me sumpthin' to eat.

Mahch," he straightened, solemnly, and held himself sober "I was jess about to tell you what I jess evise Majo' Gyarnit espressin' to yo' maw jess accidental as I was earwhilin' aroun' Johanna, you know." "What was it? What did he say?" "O, it wan't much, what he say. He say, 'Sis' Mahch, you e'zac'ly right. Don't you on no accounts paht with so much's a' acre o' them lan's lessn "

He ses sech hollerin' he never see." "Hasbrouck? He's th' best off'cer in this here reg'ment. He's a whale." "Didn't I tell yeh we'd come aroun' in behint 'em? Didn't I tell yeh so? We " "Oh, shet yeh mouth!" For a time this pursuing recollection of the tattered man took all elation from the youth's veins. He saw his vivid error, and he was afraid that it would stand before him all his life.

Well, in the couple of weeks that I hung aroun' there he coached me along till I could throw a knife as good as he could. He thought it was great sport, teaching me to throw a knife so good, that a way. "Since I left down there I've sort of practiced that knife-throwing business now and then, just for fun. Anyways I thought it was just for fun.

Pooty soon, 'long comes sich a spruce young nigger a-sailin' down de room wid a yaller wench roun' de wais'; an' roun an' roun' an roun' dey went, enough to make a body drunk to look at 'em; an' when dey got abreas' o' me, dey went to kin' o' balancin' aroun' fust on one leg an' den on t'other, an' smilin' at my big red turban, an' makin' fun, an' I ups an' says 'Git along wid you! rubbage! De young man's face kin' o' changed, all of a sudden, for 'bout a second but den he went to smilin' ag'in, same as he was befo'. Well, 'bout dis time, in comes some niggers dat played music and b'long' to de ban', an' dey never could git along widout puttin' on airs.

"If they meet to-night," said Terry, "those two Packards, there are going to be other men killed. Good men and bad men. And, as likely as not, Blenham won't be one of them." "There was another jasper with Sprague. He got away. That way, I think. Couldn't say, but there might have been more; what with the dark an' the cattle scared an' churnin' aroun'."