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And I'll just tell you plain that it wouldn't pay me to do all the hustlin' around and talkin' and argyin' and recommendin' that I'd have to do just for the pleasure of wearin' a suit of warm clothes for four July days. I tell you what it is, it won't do to spring that sort of thing on a woman, especially when she's what you might call a trained widder.

Th' throuble with me about goin' to plays is that no matther where I set I cud see some hired man in his shirt sleeves argyin' with wan iv his frinds about a dog fight while Romeo was makin' th' kind iv love ye wuddent want ye'er daughter to hear to Juliet in th' little bur-rd cage they calls a balcony.

"Now see what you've done with your argyin', Tip Pulsifer," cried the old woman, running to me. "Poor thing ain't the Miracle workin'?" "I guess it is, but that's an awful bad spot that's right, Widow, powwow it." For ten long days more Mrs. Tip Pulsifer chopped her own wood, Cevery went undandled, and Earl and Pearl and Alice Eliza carried the water that half mile from the spring.

Well, there wuzn't no use in argyin'; I knew he would have to give up when he got there, and so he did. And it wuz jest so with the Bridge of Sighs, that has, as Mr. Byron said, "A palace and a prison on each side." Josiah insisted on't that it wuz called the Bridge of Size, because it wuz the most sizeable bridge in the world.

Aunt Tryphena come in to make up our room whilst we wuz argyin' about it. She come earlier than common, for she said she wuz goin' herself to the Fair that day and take Dotie, who hadn't been at all. I told her it would be a job to take care of a child in that big crowd. But she said, "I'd rather take care of Miss Dotie than to eat any time.

"I hate argyin'. Fust go off, it's all friendly; 'Yes, my good man. 'No, my dear feller. 'Don't run away with that idear. 'You're puttin' the boot on the wrong foot. 'You got the wrong pig by the tail. an' so on, as sweet as sugar. "Hear anything of Bob and Bat lately?" asked Thompson, after a pause.

Somethin' tells me that if you stick around here argyin' with me you'll come to grief which same is no idle fancy, you snipe." Captain Scraggs hastened to take advantage of this invitation, for it stood him in hand to do so. His plans, due to Mr.

Are you a 'publican, Mary? 'Sorra a bit, sez I; 'I'm the bist o' dimmycrats! An' he looks up at me wid a look that ud go to yer heart, an' sez he: 'Mary, sez he, 'the country will go to ruin. An' nivver a day since thin has he let go by widout argyin' wid me to change me polytics." Mary was very fond of him, and very proud of him, too.

"I'll give him a derned good wallopin', then, just to learn him manners. I've been wantin' to lick him since yesterday mornin' when he tried to drive off Bawley and Lay-fayette and William Penn. I lost two hours off'n my work, argyin' with him. I'll take that outa his hide, right now."

Morris was a genial-natured man, who took a good deal of interest in his negro neighbors, and was fond of listening to their peculiar humor. Therefore, when he saw that Grandison wished to speak to him he readily pulled up his horse. "Mahs'r Morris," said Grandison, removing his hat, "Brudder 'Bijah an' me has been argyin on de subjick ob truf.