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This ball will be no longer enough for us; our spirit will reach out.... Cannot you see how that little argosy will go glittering up into the sky, twinkling and glittering smaller and smaller until the blue swallows it up. They may succeed out there; they may perish, but other men will follow them.... 'It is as if a great window opened, said Karenin. Section 9

Yes, we've unearthed what Paul would call an argosy, the grandest craft that ever floated on this here creek, that I never saw before, an' that I don't know the name uv.

"I doubt if I could do anything unwholesome enough for her." At last the summons they were expecting from Grayson came, just after they had made up their minds to wait another week for it. Louise had taken the letter from the maid, and she handed it to Maxwell with a gasp at sight of the Argosy theatre address printed in the corner of the envelope. "I know it's a refusal."

But that was only for the present, and at any moment Asad might give the word to put about and steer for Barbary again; in no case could that be delayed beyond the plundering of the Spanish argosy. He nourished the faint hope that in that coming fight if indeed the Spaniards did show fight some chance might perhaps present itself, some unexpected way out of the present situation.

This news exhilarated the hearts of the rovers, who hoped that she might prove as rich an argosy as that taken by Drake. The rest of the crew, six in number, with the ropes and fire-wood, being transferred to the Desire, the prize was set on fire.

It took no less than forty camels to convey the cargo of that Dutch argosy from the mole to the Kasbah, and the procession carefully marshalled by Sakr-el-Bahr, who knew the value of such pageants to impress the mob was such as never yet had been seen in the narrow streets of Algiers upon the return of any corsair.

But there are watchers in the heaven as well as in the earth. There is sympathy in the skies. Up floats an argosy of compassionate clouds, and fling their fleecy veil around the pallid moon, and bear her softly on their snowy bosoms. But she moves on, impelled. She sweeps beyond the sad clouds. Deeper and deeper into the darkness. Closer and closer the Shadow clutches her in his inexorable arms.

He reached the coast of Hispaniola in safety; but how to find the sunken ship was the great difficulty. The fact of the wreck was more than fifty years old; and Phipps had only the traditionary rumours of the event to work upon. There was a wide coast to explore, and an outspread ocean without any trace whatever of the argosy which lay somewhere at its bottom.

So they trusted in God, and permitted Moussa Isa, slave-boy, to do all that it was humanly possible for him to do. Moussa did all that was expected of him, but not so Allah and Mohammed his Prophet. But Time is made for slaves, and the only slave upon the Argosy was Moussa Isa, and so the becalming was neither here nor there.

"There is a depth in that boy's heart," said the sage, "which might float an argosy." "Poor dear boy! I think we have put everything into the knapsack that he can possibly want," said good Mrs. Riccabocca, musingly. "They are strong, but they are not immediately apparent." "They are at the bottom of the knapsack." THE DOCTOR. "They will stand long wear and tear."