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Weir was well known in Glasgow from his long connection with the Argus, which he edited with rare tact and ability until he was called to occupy a similar position on the Daily News in London. Meantime Mr. Bell was admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocates. This was in 1832, so that he was in his twenty-seventh year.

She, on her part, was quite unconscious of his attention, and in this was less fortunate than those young women whose very plumes, like those of Juno's bird, are set with Argus eyes whenever possible admirers are within ken. Henchard went away, thinking that perhaps there was nothing significant after all in Farfrae's look at Elizabeth-Jane at that juncture.

The "Argus," the new chapel rules, Miss Raymond and her theme classes, the sophomore elections, none of them evoked a responsive chord in the strange girl who sat impassive, with no thought apparently of her social duties and responsibilities. "She must think I don't know how to take a hint," reflected Helen, "but I don't care. I'm going to keep on trying."

"And what have the hundred eyes of Argus beheld?" asked Warner. "Argus?" said the sergeant. "I don't know any such man. Name sounds queer, too." "He belongs to a distant and mythical past, sergeant, but he'd be mighty useful if we had him here. If even a single one of his hundred eyes were to light on Stonewall Jackson, it would be a great service."

I don't know Eleanor Watson very well, but I have an idea that after her story in the 'Argus' the Dramatic Club will be afraid of losing her to Clio, and so they'll take her to-night." "Oh, I hope so," said Betty Wales under her breath to Madeline. Later in the evening she told Helen all about the spread. "It was so exciting," she began.

We will have desperate fighting in the columns of the Argus, whatever there is on the fields of Canada. But to a man who has seen real war this opera-bouffe masquerade of fighting I don't want to say anything harsh, but to me it is offensive." He looked up with a wan smile at his partner, sitting on the bottom of an upturned pail, as he said this.

In the beginning of the new campaign of investigation David Kent wisely discounted the help of paid professional spies or rather he deferred, it to a later stage by taking counsel with Jeffrey Hildreth, night editor of the Argus. Here, if anywhere, practical help was to be had; and the tender of it was cheerfully hearty and enthusiastic.

"Ranaway, Dick, 18 or 20 years of age, has one front tooth out." Mr. Philip A. Dew, in the "Virginia Herald," of May 24, 1837. "Ranaway, Washington, about 25 years of age, has an upper front tooth out." J.G. Dunlap, "Georgia Constitutionalist," April 24, 1838. "Ranaway, negro woman Abbe, upper front teeth out." John Thomas, "Southern Argus," August 7, 1838.

One was a printer who helped to get out the Hillport Argus every week, another clerked in a grocery store, another was the son of a German watch repairer, one was still in High School, one worked in an automobile livery.

So the Argus pheasants, male and female, are, I feel sure, protected by their tints corresponding to dead leaves of the dry lofty forests in which they dwell; and the female of the gorgeous fire-back pheasant, Lophura viellottii, is of a very similar rich brown colour.