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In one of the worst neighbourhoods of New York, where no questions were asked as long as the rent was paid, it had the further advantage of three separate exits one by the areaway where he had entered; one from the street itself; and another through a back yard with an entry into a saloon that fronted on the next street.

She undressed in the dark a pale darkness relieved by a lighted window across the areaway. The blue mercerized dress she slid over a hanger, covering it with one of her cotton nightgowns and putting it into careful place behind the cretonne curtain that served her as clothes closet. Her petticoat, white, with a rill of lace, she folded away.

Can you?" Merlin fell silent a moment. He was thinking that he would have to give up his room, the fourth floor rear. Yet it mattered very little now. During the past year and a half in fact, from the very date of Caroline's visit to the Moonlight Quill he had never seen her. For a week after that visit her lights had failed to go on darkness brooded out into the areaway, seemed to grope blindly in at his expectant, uncurtained window. Then the lights had appeared at last, and instead of Caroline and her callers they stowed a stodgy family a little man with a bristly mustache and a full-bosomed woman who spent her evenings patting her hips and rearranging bric-

I've got me hand on the alarm hook right now. Will you go or will I rouse the whole block?" "Pray be calm, madam, I'll go. In fact, I'm going now." He fell back out of the areaway. Fresh uproar at this critical juncture would be doubly direful. It would almost certainly bring the vengeful Switzer, with his bruised shanks. It would inevitably bring some one. Mr.

There he confided to his wife that no more striking example of the benefits of prohibition had come under his observation than the conduct of this notorious pair who, when sober, were well mannered and docile as lambs. It was twelve or thereabouts when two figures crept stealthily up the alley behind Mr. Tucker's Second-Hand Store and raised the window looking out on the areaway.

And then Jimmie Dale crept out of the shed toward Foo Sen's, and crept into the dark areaway, and, as he had come, by alleyways and lanes, and through yards, and by ill-lighted, unfrequented streets, returned again to the Sanctuary alone.

Pressing the message into Sturm's hand, he rested wearily against the casing of the door, his body shaken by laboured breathing, and while Sturm, with an exclamation of excitement, ripped open the envelope surveyed the dark and rain-wet street out of the corners of his eyes. Across the way a slinking shadow left the sidewalk and blended indistinguishably with the crowded shadows of an areaway.

From the shed there was a very sure means of escape across a small intervening yard, and out through an areaway into the street, for the shed was one of the many entrances to Foo Sen's, a place with which he was very intimately acquainted all this, of course, provided that, if the Tocsin were seen to enter the shed, some one held the pursuers back long enough to afford her time to reach the street.

If I had only turned her out as she deserved to be, when she first came, instead of allowing her to carry through the wretched farce about seeing Takahiro! Or if I had only run to the basement the moment the house was quarantined, and got her out the areaway or the coal hole!

The minutes passed, five of them, and then Jimmie Dale, too, was making his way softly along the areaway to the street but in Jimmie Dale's pockets were the short leaden blackjack, ugly for the stain on its leathern covering, the packet of papers, and the roll of banknotes that had been in Klanner's trunk.