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He arranged an archery tournament for ladies, with a most sumptuous diamond-studded bracelet as prize. He drew up his terms skilfully, and every one saw that the bracelet was a gift to Miss Beighton; the acceptance carrying with it the hand and the heart of Commissioner Barr-Saggott. The terms were a St.

Some, meantime, went to their homes near at hand, others would amuse themselves with games at ball, archery, singlestick, and the like, in an open space within the moat where others fished. Bertram was not neglected.

A mediæval crowd at fair time was entertained by mountebanks, tumblers, and similar rough makers of unrefined mirth. The Corporation had a band of minstrels in its service. Of physical games archery was the most practised.

Davilow felt her ears tingle when Gwendolen, suddenly throwing herself into the attitude of drawing her bow, said with a look of comic enjoyment "How I pity all the other girls at the Archery Meeting all thinking of Mr. Grandcourt! And they have not a shadow of a chance." Mrs.

Genevieve was made heartily welcome, and Sophia's absence deplored, and then the Colonel carried off the younger ones to the archery, giving his arm to the much-flattered Lucy, and followed by Gilbert and Genevieve, with Willie and Mary adhering to them closely, and their governess in sight. Mr. Ferrars and Mr.

Truly, it was an ill-done thing in the King to break his promise, but it all came about through the Bishop of Hereford's doing, for thus it happened: After the King left the archery ground, he went straightway to his cabinet, and with him went the Bishop of Hereford and Sir Robert Lee; but the King said never a word to these two, but sat gnawing his nether lip, for his heart was galled within him by what had happened.

Indeed, Gautama began to live happily in that commodious house which the robber assigned to him. He began to hold the relatives and kinsmen of the female slave he had got from the robber chief. In this way he lived for many years in that prosperous village of hunters. He began to practise with great devotion the art of archery.

I am the first white person she has seen since her mother died; no wonder she longs for my presence! I must go to her to-morrow. After all, there is no danger of my caring for her. To me my work is all in all." To gambling they are no less passionately addicted in the interior than on the coast. BANCROFT: Native Races. The next morning came the archery games.

"Yes, sir; I expect to rough it, but if I could only get a situation, at no matter what income, I should feel encouraged." "You have earned no money yet?" "Yes, sir; I earned a dollar yesterday." "At what kind of work?" "Archery." The little man looked surprised. "Is that a business?" he asked, curiously. "I'll explain how it was," and Carl told about the contest.

And the Queen and all her ladies listened in rapt silence till all the songs were ended. The King is into Finsbury Field Marching in battle 'ray, And after follows bold Robin Hood, And all his yeomen gay. The morning of the great archery contest dawned fair and bright, bringing with it a fever of impatience to every citizen of London town, from the proudest courtier to the lowest kitchen wench.