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One would conceive from Palmer's account of the Ambrosian litany that it did not contain invocations of the saints, p. 276; yet in the Ambrosian processional, to which he alludes, we read as follows "Afterwards they go to the altar, were the litanies are recited on bended knees, in reciting which the names of the saints without Intercede pro nobis are sung aloud by the provost and clergy of the first collegiate church; and by the other clergy with Intercede pro nobis and this rite of singing the litanies and antiphons is observed in every other stational church". ap.

In the first response the Gloria Patri is said, to thank God for the great favour He has bestowed on us His Son, the Christ. In the third nocturn, Alleluia is added to the antiphons, because the third nocturn typifies the time of grace, in which we should express the joy that is ours in the birth of the Saviour.

Violet, the penitential colour, is used at Mass, and the chapters in Genesis recording the fall of Adam, warn man to think well, to humble himself and to do penance. Every part of the Office, the lessons, antiphons and hymns, bear the notes of mourning and penance. Lent. The Teutonic word, Lent, originally meant the spring season. It has come to mean the forty days preceding Easter.

"Christ, the light of the world, rose from the tomb on Easter morning, like a radiant sun, trampling over darkness and shedding His brightness upon the earth. The hymns, psalms, antiphons and versicles of Lauds, all proclaim the mystery of Christ's Resurrection, and the light which enlightens our souls.

The foundation of the fortunes of the house was undoubtedly its monopoly analogous to that enjoyed by the English house of Spottiswoode, and by the two elder Universities of printing the liturgical works Missals, Antiphons, Psalters, Breviaries, etc. that were used throughout the Spanish dominions.

This Hour is recited after None and before Compline. In structure, it resembles Lauds, Pater Noster, Ave, Gloria, Five Psalms with antiphons, Capitulum, Hymn, Versicle, antiphon, Magnificat, antiphon and collect. It had several synonymous names.

In fact, to end this Office of a besieged town, to take its last dispositions and try to repose in shelter from a violent attack, the Church built up again a few prayers, and placed her parishes under the tutelage of the Virgin, to whom it chanted one of the four antiphons which follow, according to the Proper. "At La Trappe Compline was evidently less solemn, less interesting than at St.

It is excellent in its style and in its form for the parts of each hour; the antiphons, psalms, canticles, hymns, versicles, follow one another in splendid harmony. The opinions and praises of the saints who dwelt on this matter of the Breviary would fill a volume. Every priest has met with many such eulogies in his reading. Newman's words are very striking.

It is synonymous with the term so often found in liturgical works, the office of three lessons. This form of office is of great antiquity, going back to the fifth century. In the early ages of the Church and down to the fourteenth century the simple office consisted of the ferial office with lessons, antiphons and prayers.

The versicles, antiphons, responses, preces and suffrages of saints, which are recited in semi-double offices, are given below under their own titles. Etymology, nature and synonyms. The word simple comes from the Latin simplex, to indicate the least solemn form of office and it is the direct opposite in meaning to the term "double."