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"Do not spoil the play by anticipation," I said. "One gets very weary of tragedy," she retorted. "Comedy would be a relief. Could you not manage it?" "I do not know about to-morrow," I said, "as to a comedy. But I promise you that one of these days I will present to you the very finest comedy imaginable." "You speak oracularly," she said; "still you are a professor, and professors always pose.

Man's crown of glory, as well as man's curse and punishment, is, 'In the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread. So learn what you have to do with that great power of anticipation. It is meant to be the guide of wise work. It is meant to be the support for far-reaching, strenuous action.

That is the only place suited to a modest and worthy young man like myself." This fencing annoyed Meadows, who was by this time salting and peppering his roast beef, glaring at it the while like a boa-constrictor contemplating a fresh victim in anticipation of the joys of deglutition.

But a large fortune, in anticipation, has ruined more sons than it has ever helped. If a young man has so much money coming to him that he knows he will never have to work, the chances are that it will sap his energy, even if it does not undermine his character, and leave him a curse rather than a blessing to those who brought him into the world.

There was, also, that striking anticipation by Malachi which we have already quoted, and which directly suggested Elijah as his model. Thus the great figure of Elijah was ever before the mind of the growing youth, as his model and inspiration. He found himself perpetually asking, How did Elijah act, and what would he do here and now?

In an open space on this range the enemy placed a battery in position, and, in anticipation of doing great slaughter from a safe distance, opened a rapid fire on the exposed and helpless column. The shells came hurtling over the valley, exploding in front, rear, and overhead, and tearing up the ground in every direction.

Wilson's troops were driven back in some confusion at first; but Gregg, in anticipation of attack, had hidden a heavy line of dismounted men in a bushy ravine on his front, and when the enemy marched upon it, with much display and under the eye of the President of the Confederacy, this concealed line opened a destructive fire with repeating carbines; and at the same time the batteries of horse-artillery, under Captain Robinson, joining in the contest, belched forth shot and shell with fatal effect.

"Why, we were happy," said Jeffrey, in an agony of wonder. "That's been my only comfort when I knew we couldn't be happy now. I made you happy, dear." And since he hung, in a fevered anticipation, upon her answer, she could reply, still from that sense of being the arbitress of his peace: "I never was happy, at the last. I was afraid." He dropped her hands. "What of?" he said to himself stupidly.

The little company of graduates trembled with fright as the people crowded in to the church, whispering and faring themselves, in eager anticipation.

The fact remains that the shyness of youth causes agonies both of anticipation and retrospect; if one really wishes to get rid of it, the only way is to determine to get used somehow to society, and not to endeavour to avoid it; and as a practical rule to make up one's mind, if possible, to ask people questions, rather than to meditate impressive answers.