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A barometric switch can be installed that will act at a certain altitude, or a signal can be sent from the ground." "The antenna," Scotty said. "It can send a signal." "Sure." "I'm with you all the way, until you say this shows why the stingarees fly. Why send up rockoons? What's the reason?" Rick forgot he was holding a coffee cup and waved his hand.

There are also compact radio sets to be had that can be carried on mule-back and set up and taken down on a hurried army march. On shipboard the ordinary masts of the vessel serve, of course, to support the antenna." "Thank you, Bob. That is exactly what I wanted to know," said Mr. Crowninshield. "I'm glad, sir.

'Facts and Arguments for Darwin, English translat., 1869, p. 20. See the previous discussion on the olfactory threads. Labelled are: a. Part of right anterior antenna of male, forming a prehensile organ. b. Posterior pair of thoracic legs of male. c.

He pulled out a length of wire and started working on one end of it. "If they guess we got a car," he observed, "they'll expect us to run into a road block beam that would wreck the car and paralyze us. I'm taking a small precaution against that. Here." He put the wire's end into her hand. "It's the lead-in from this car's radio antenna.

In 1935 George and his father Costas built a one-valve transmitter using a type 59 pentode with suppressor grid modulation, and succeeded in contacting most of the world with this QRP rig. The electron coupled oscillator could not have put more than 4 or 5 watts into the antenna.

"They press against strips inside the rocket casing. The whole assembly acts as a dipole antenna." No one commented. Cobb took a tiny screwdriver and removed two screws from a metal plate in the bottom of the nose cone. The screws were long ones, holding the entire nose assembly in place. With the screws laid carefully aside, Cobb tapped the cone and the assembly dropped into his hand.

I see Crupp now with his arm bent before him on the table in a way we had, as though it was jointed throughout its length like a lobster's antenna, his plump, short-fingered hand crushing up a walnut shell into smaller and smaller fragments. "Remington," he said, "has given us the data for a movement, a really possible movement.

It can be fastened inside or outside the station, as is most convenient; but it is compulsory to have it to satisfy the insurance companies. The antenna is secured to it and by means of a ground wire any electrical discharges will in a great measure pass off through the earth." "Mater should see that," murmured Walter mischievously to Bob. The elder brother nodded humorously.

"You certainly have a lot of films stored in that little box," one of the engineers said. "How do you get them all in there?" "The pictures are not in the box," said the traveler. "They are all over in the air around us. This antenna brings them in and the set makes them visible."

The spicy resin which flowed from the ancient pines attracted hosts of insects, which, tempted by their hope of food, met their death caught and slowly but surely enclosed by the viscid sap, each antenna and hair as perfect as when the insect was alive.