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But he has hardly sat down by the desk in his room when the door opens and Anne-Marie comes in. "Uncle Theodore," she says, very firmly and decidedly, "do not buy those papers!" Ah, such courage, Downie! Who would have believed it of you who had seen you three days ago, when you sat at Maurits's side in the chaise and seemed to shrink and grow smaller for every word he said.

She deemed Santerre's last creation, Anne-Marie, to be far too material and degraded, because in one deplorable passage the author remarked that Norbert's kisses had left their trace on the Countess's brow. Santerre disputed the quotation, whereupon she rushed upon the volume and sought the page to which she had referred. "But I never degraded her," exclaimed the novelist in despair.

But that had not troubled her at all, for Maurits had time after time come up and whispered: "You see, I can't get away from her. We are old friends. Here in the country they are so unaccustomed to have a partner who has been in society and can both dance and talk. You must lend me to the daughters of the county magnates for this evening, Anne-Marie." But Uncle, too, gave way to Maurits.

Anne-Marie had found the story pretty. She liked it when Bengt Lagman had pearls sewn on the breadth of homespun. She saw Maurits before her; how royally proud he would have looked when ordering the pearls! That was just the sort of thing Maurits would have done well.

Has she, Miss Downie, tended her myrtle so well that she can have a crown and wreath in September? She feels how he is looking into her face. She knows that he wishes to have a glance as thanks, but she does not look up. Maurits leaps up. He embraces Uncle and makes a great deal of noise. "But, Anne-Marie, why do you not thank Uncle? You must kiss Uncle Theodore, Anne-Marie.

"To the Memory of GAOS, FRANCOIS, Husband of Anne-Marie le Goaster, Captain on board the Paimpolais, Lost off Iceland, between the 1st and 3d of May, 1877, With the twenty-three men of his crew. May they rest in peace!" And, lower down, were two cross-bones under a black skull with green eyes, a simple but ghastly emblem, reminding one of all the barbarism of a bygone age. "Gaos, Gaos!"

You let me call one who never intends to come! I congratulate you on this affair, Anne-Marie!" As he rushes out and slams the door, he calls back: "Fortune-hunter!" Uncle Theodore makes a movement as if to go after him and chastise him, but Downie holds him back. "Ah, Uncle Theodore, do let Maurits have the last word. Maurits is always right.

I cannot; just for that word I think that I ought not to yield." "Do not cling to a word, Maurits. This means more than polite phrases. I think it is not well of you to wish to cheat Uncle now when he has been so good to us." "Be quiet, Anne-Marie, be quiet! What do you understand of business?" His whole manner is now irritatingly calm and superior.

And for thirty years he went on painting there, ever in colloquy with the angels, and ever having Anne-Marie beside him.

"She never has a child." "Pooh! What of that?" exclaimed Valentine. "If Anne-Marie is to raise our hearts she ought to be like spotless marble, and Norbert's kisses should leave no mark upon her." But she was interrupted, for Celeste, the maid, a tall dark girl with an equine head, big features, and a pleasant air, now came in with the two children.