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He was swinging five or six canteens by their cords. It seemed that his cap would not remain firmly on his head, and often he reached and pulled it down over his brow. There was a general movement in the compact column. The long animal-like thing moved slightly. Its four hundred eyes were turned upon the figure of Collins. "Well, sir, if that ain't th' derndest thing!

His dress, or rather the absence of it, his greasy and mud-bedaubed skin, his long unkempt hair, and the wild animal-like expression of his features all attest his relapse into a condition of savagery, total and complete. Not a vestige of civilised man remains with him to show that he has ever been a mile from the Murray Narrow. But stay, I am wronging him twice wronging him.

The Indian, who had been half crouching on his upturned soles, here straightened himself with a lithe, animal-like movement, and stood up. Boyle took hold of a corner of his blanket and examined it critically. "Gov'ment ain't pampering you with A1 goods, Lo! I reckon the agent charged 'em four dollars for that.

He turned to Clara and smiled. There was something infinitely impertinent in the fixed, animal-like stare of his eyes. "We do take you into our plans, your father and me, eh?" he said. "You must be careful not to give us away when you talk to that inventor." From his shop window Hugh stared at the backs of the heads of the three people.

One chief cause seems to be that the ancient races stand somewhat nearer in the long line of descent to their remote animal-like progenitors. In man, the os coccyx, together with certain other vertebrae hereafter to be described, though functionless as a tail, plainly represent this part in other vertebrate animals. Quatrefages has lately collected the evidence on this subject.

Oh, Gaston, what a fool, what a fool you've been!" After a moment, however, she threw her arms about him with animal-like fierceness. "But I can't give you up I can't." Then, with another of those sudden changes, she added, with a wild little laugh: "I can't, I can't, O Master of the Hounds!" There came a knock at the door. Annette entered with a letter.

He even ventured to raise his fist to me, but I was becoming animal-like myself, and I snarled in his face so terribly that it must have frightened him back.

Their hair was long and uneven, their features disguised by black beards of many weeks' growth. Their miners' boots were but ludicrous remnants tied on with buckskin thongs. Their clothes hung in rags, and they ate with the animal-like haste and carelessness of those who live alone.

"Then they'll learn something distinctly to their disadvantage." The splendid, animal-like eyes of the compositor gleamed suddenly. "Do you mean you're going to run the paper honestly?" Hal almost recoiled before the impassioned and incredulous surprise in the question. "What is 'honestly'?" "Give the people who buy your paper the straight news they pay for?"

Occasionally he thought courage had come to him and he half turned toward Clara and opened his mouth, hoping words would come to his lips, but the silence that had taken hold of him was like a disease whose grip on its victim could not be broken. He closed his mouth and wet his lips with his tongue. Clara saw him do the thing several times. He began to seem animal-like and ugly to her.