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Anglice smiled. "I am going there, mon père!" Ay, indeed. A week from that evening the wax candles burned at her feet and forehead, lighting her on the journey. All was over. Now was Antoine's heart empty. He had nothing to do but to lay the blighted flower away. Père Antoine made a shallow grave in his garden, and heaped the fresh brown mould over his idol.

I might give something of a like example of extravagance in fitting up a cutler's shop, Anglicé a toyman, which are now come up to such a ridiculous expense, as is hardly to be thought of without the utmost contempt: let any one stop at the Temple, or at Paul's corner, or in many other places.

One Sir Thomas Jay, a Justice of the Peace in Rosemary-Lane, issued out his warrant for the apprehension of Poole, upon a pretended suggestion, that he was in company with some lewd people in a tavern, where a silver cup was lost, Anglice stolen.

*Anglice, "accompanied." Anglice, "disturbed." "There, you see," said Osmond, "Dr. Wycherley agrees with me: yet I assure you I have only detailed the symptoms, and not the conclusion I had formed from them." Jane inquired timidly what that conclusion was. "Miss Hardie, we think it one of those obscure tendencies which are very curable if taken in time " Dr.

Then a sort of spasm of action seized him, and, apparently not knowing what he was about, he threw open the gangway abaft the paddle-box and sprang into the sea. Anglicè, owls. Even with this big steamer coming right down on them, Rob MacNicol did not lose his head.

Now Anglice had a wild, strange beauty, that made other women seem tame beside her; and in the course of time the young men found themselves regarding their ward not so much like brothers as at first. They struggled with their destiny manfully, for the holy orders which they were about to assume precluded the idea of love. But every day taught them to be more fond of her. So they drifted on.

But, fortunately for us, no artillery ever came to Duntorvil. Fully two hundred of the enemy massed on the hill, commanded by a squat officer in breeks and wearing a peruke Anglicè, that went oddly with his tartan plaid. He was the master of Clanranald, we learned anon, a cunning person, whose aim was to avail himself of the impetuousness of the kilts he had in his corps.

Aurora now first opened her casement, Anglice the day began to break, when Jones walked forth in company with the stranger, and mounted Mazard Hill; of which they had no sooner gained the summit than one of the most noble prospects in the world presented itself to their view, and which we would likewise present to the reader, but for two reasons: first, we despair of making those who have seen this prospect admire our description; secondly, we very much doubt whether those who have not seen it would understand it.

Meanwhile our Headquarters Staff is engaged in the not always easy task of "getting into touch" with the enemy anglicè, finding him.

She says, I am too witty; Anglicé, too pert; I, that she is too wise; that is to say, being likewise put into English, not so young as she had been." MISS HOWE to MISS HARLOWE, "Clarissa," vol. ii. Letter xiii. There is a strong feeling in favour of cowardly and prudential proverbs.