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Miss Miranda is tall and rather flat; she is too pale; she hasn't the adorable rougeurs of the little Anglaise. But she has bright, keen, inquisitive eyes, superb teeth, a nose modelled by a sculptor, and a way of holding up her head and looking every one in the face, which is the most finished piece of impertinence I ever beheld.

And the luncheon during which the Miss Anglaise sat silent while the distinguished writer talked to his host and hostess. But to Philip her words called up much more romantic fancies. "Do tell me all about him," he said excitedly. "There's nothing to tell," she said truthfully, but in such a manner as to convey that three volumes would scarcely have contained the lurid facts.

Henrik threw himself on his knee before the excellent, eloquent Aunt; Eva clapped her hands, and embraced her; Petrea cried aloud in a fit of rapture, and in leaping up threw down a work-table on Louise; Jacobi made an entrechat, freed Louise from the work-table, and engaged her for the first anglaise of the first ball.

And the slow, dark hours of that terrible night of depression tramped over me with leaden footsteps. The next morning, just as I had dropped into an uneasy doze, there came a knocking and a hammering, and a muttering outside my door. "M'sieur! M'sieur!" Tap-tap-tap. "Que diable donc! Qu'il dort! M'sieur! Profondement! Est ce qu'il est mort? Ah! c'est une bete Anglaise!" Tap-tap-tap.

"Dites donc, mon petit," but the cheerful epithet he bestowed on Raoul is unquotable here "Elle ne fume pas, votre Anglaise? Elle n'est pas Créole, c'est entendu." Dorothea had stepped into the surgery.

Ma parole d'honneur! je me range." And he gives Miss Fanny a killing bow, and a glance which seems to say, "Sweet Anglaise, I know that I have won your heart."

Then, giving an order for their tea to be served outside, they emerged once more into the sunlit street. One of the Algerian officers followed Ann's movements with an appreciative glance. Had she been listening she might have caught his murmured, "V'la une jolie anglaise, hein?"

If the old woman was hard it was not that many of her present conclusions about the jeune Anglaise were not indulgent, but that she had a vision of the great manner, of right and wrong, of the just and the false, so high and religious that the individual was nothing before it a prompt and easy sacrifice.

"Never mind I'll look after them," Sherringham laughed. "And how can Madame Carré judge if the girl recites English?" "She's so intelligent that she could judge if she recited Chinese," Peter declared. "That's true, but the jeune Anglaise recites also in French," said Gabriel Nash. "Then she isn't stupid." "And in Italian, and in several more tongues, for aught I know."

"You German? French?" he panted. "We are French," said Florette, rising. "I can speak ze Anglaise a leetle." "You are not German?" the visitor repeated as if relieved. "Only we are Zherman subjects, yess. Our name ees Leteur." "I am American. My name is Tom Slade. I escaped from the prison across there. My my pal escaped with me "