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Nay, on the flanks of the Andes and in the United States, such similarities are looked for, and considered as significant of certain ages. Not that Sir R. Murchison contends theoretically for this relation between lithological character and date.

At Mendoza, on the eastern foot of the Andes, the climate is said to be subject to long calms, and to frequent though false appearances of gathering rain-storms: we may imagine that the wind, which coming from the eastward is thus banked up by the line of mountains, would become stagnant and irregular in its movements.

Now, why have I so minutely described the coca-bush? Because, that, in the economy of the life of those Indians who inhabit the countries of the Andes mountains, this curious plant plays a most important part. Scarcely one of these people is to be met with who is not an eater of cocoa a "coquero." With them it is what the tea-tree is to the Chinese.

Every trick ever played in the Rockies, and one or two of Brodie's old combinations in the Andes, they tell me, are crowded into these eighteen miles. There, there's old Sitting Bull in all his clouds and his glory." Glover had left the car at Sleepy Cat, going ahead with the relief train.

The wider and more tranquil waters were crossed on balsas a kind of raft still much used by the natives to which sails were attached, furnishing the only instance of this higher kind of navigation among the American Indians.43 The other great road of the Incas lay through the level country between the Andes and the ocean.

St Jago, or San Jacopo, is entirely inland, having the province of Aconcagua on the north, the Andes on the east, the river Maypo to the south, and Melipilla to the west. This is a small province, being only 45 miles from east to west, and 36 from north to south.

This feeling of inequality is a necessary consequence of the existence of an aristocracy of wealth. It is said that some few of the greater land-owners possess from five to ten thousand pounds sterling per annum, an inequality of riches which I believe is not met with in any of the cattle-breeding countries eastward of the Andes.

It increases the heart action and is said to be such an exhilarant that the natives of the Andes are enabled to make extra-ordinary forced marches by chewing the leaves containing it. Its after effects are more depressing even than those of opium, and insanity more frequently results from its use.

We pointed out that if at that period the Alps had attained only half their present altitude they would yet have constituted a chain as lofty as the Chilean Andes, which in a latitude corresponding to Switzerland now send down glaciers to the head of every sound, from which icebergs covered with blocks of granite are floated seaward.

The latter were at a prodigious height, disposed in bands, and at equal distances, as from the effect of electric repulsions: these small masses of vapour, similar to those I saw above my head on the ridge of the highest Andes, are, in several languages, designated by the name of sheep.