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And, therefore, though "flowers, fresh in hue and many in their class," absolutely "implore the pausing step," we forbear, and will let him off this time with rehearsing only three or four among them: the Allium fragrans, he will join with us, if he has been in Italy, in the wish that all onions there were like it! the Anchusa Italica, through whose long funnel the proboscis of the ever-buzzing Bombylius finds its way to the sweet nectar prepared within; the Scilla Lilio-hyacinthus a Squill masquerading it as a Hyacinth; the leaves of the Cnicus Syraicus, most beautiful of thistles, glistening here in abundance, and scarcely inferior in attractions to the far-famed Acanthus.

The concentrated acid of the bitter almond is a most dangerous poison to man and all other animals. ANAGALLIS arvensis. PIMPERNEL. The Leaves. Many extraordinary virtues have been attributed to them. Geoffroy esteems them cephalic, sudorific, vulnerary, anti-maniacal, anti-epileptic, and alexiteral. ANCHUSA angustifolia. BUGLOSS. The Roots, Leaves, and Flowers.

It is the neighbour's cat that makes one believe there is a hell. Short is the memory of man, however. Shorter the memory of children. There is no gloom that can withstand May pouring itself out in the deep blue of anchusa and the paler blue of lupin, gushing out in the yellow of laburnum, tossing like the tides in the wind.

Botany had lavished there its most elegant drapery of ferns of all kinds, snap-dragons with their violet mouths and golden pistils, the blue anchusa, the brown lichens, so that the old worn stones seemed mere accessories peeping out at intervals from this fresh growth.

They waited for her at the waking end of dreams. She had found them again. A gap in the green walls led into the flower garden, and there, down the path between tall rows of phlox and larkspurs and anchusa, of blue heaped on blue, Aunt Adeline came holding up a tall bunch of flowers, blue on her white gown, blue on her own milk-white and blue.

ANCHUSA officinalis. YELLOW ANCHUSA, or BLUE-FLOWERED BUGLOSS. The juice of the corolla gives out to acids a beautiful green. ANTHEMIS tinctoria. The flowers afford a shining yellow. ANTHYLLIS vulneraria. KIDNEY-VETCH. The whole plant gives out a yellow, which is in use for colouring the garments of the country- people. Linn. ARBUTUS uva-ursi.

But as we ascend slowly the flowers increase; wild hollyhocks, and morning-glories, and clumps of blue anchusa, and scarlet adonis, and tall wands of white asphodel. The morning grows hotter and hotter as we plod along. Presently we come up with three mounted Arabs, riding leisurely. Salutations are exchanged with gravity.

ANCHUSA tinctoria. ALKANET-ROOT. E. D. Alkanet-root has little or no smell: when recent, it has a bitterish astringent taste, but when dried scarcely any. As to its virtues, the present practice expects not any from it. Its chief use is for colouring oils, unguents, and plasters.