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Hearing what Srinjaya has to say, and what thou also, O thou of sweet smiles, may have to say, let that be settled this very day what should be done for thee. Hearing these words, Amva said, 'O holy one, abducted I was by Bhishma acting from ignorance, for, O regenerate one, Bhishma knew not that my heart had been given away to Salwa.

Oh, listen to it duly, O thou that art skilled in all tasks! Hearing these words of his friend, Rama addressed that maiden saying. 'Tell me what thou hast to say. At these words, Amva approached Rama who resembled a blazing fire, and worshipping both his feet with her bent head, touched them with her two hands that resembled, in radiance, a couple of lotuses and stood silently before him.

As regards her sorrow, Bhishma is considered by her to be its root! After Hotravahana had ceased, Amva herself said, 'O holy one, it is even so as this lord of earth, this author of my mother's body, Hotravahana of the Srinjaya race hath said. I cannot venture to go back to my own city, O thou that art endued with wealth of asceticism, for shame and fear of disgrace, O great Muni!

Thou art a princess by birth; over this, thou art, again, very delicate, O beautiful dame! Therefore, set not thy heart upon such a course! ""Hearing these words, Amva said, 'I am incapable of going back to my father's abode in the city of Kasi, for without doubt I shalt then be disregarded by all my relatives. Ye ascetics, I lived there, in my father's abode, during my childhood.

For having nursed his young limbs into growth, she is called Amva. For bringing forth a child possessed of courage she is called Virasu. For nursing and looking after the son she is called Sura. The mother is one's own body. What rational man is there that would slay his mother, to whose care alone it is due that his own head did not lie on the street-side like a dry gourd?

Thou wilt see him even here when he cometh to behold thee. As regards this maiden, for what, O royal sage, hath she come to the wood? Whose is she, and what is she to thee? I desire to know all this. Hotravahana said, 'The favourite daughter of the ruler of Kasi, she is, O lord, my daughter's child! The eldest daughter of the king of Kasi, she is known by the name of Amva.

Tell me, therefore, what else I can do for thee? Both Bhishma and Salwa are, O princess, exceedingly obedient to me. Do not grieve, I will accomplish thy object. I will not, however, O beautiful lady, take up arms, except at the command of Brahmanas. This hath been my rule of conduct. ""Amva said, 'My misery, O holy one, should by any means be dispelled by thee.

Or, O princess, if thou desirest it, I may even address the heroic ruler of the Salwas to the matter in hand. Hearing these words of Rama, Amva said, 'Dismissed I was by Bhishma, O son of Bhrigu's race, as soon as he heard that my heart had previously been freely given away to the ruler of the Salwas. Approaching then the lord of Saubha, I addressed him in language that was unbecoming.

Although young in age, yet being installed duly by me, O monarch, the virtuous Vichitravirya looked up to me in everything. Desirous of marrying him, I set my heart upon procuring daughters from a suitable family. Amongst those maidens Amva was the eldest, Amvika the second, while the princess Amvalika, O monarch, was the youngest.

And after he was seated and had rested for a while, those denizens of the forest once more began to address that maiden in the hearing of that royal sage. Hearing the story of Amva and the king of Kasi, that royal sage of great energy became very anxious at heart.