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For some time after dinner, that first day, David watched Mrs. Holly in silence while she cleared the table and began to wash the dishes. "Do you want me to help?" he asked at last, a little wistfully. Mrs. Holly, with a dubious glance at the boy's brown little hands, shook her head. "No, I don't. No, thank you," she amended her answer.

"And where should I belong, if not standing by a chum in distress?" "I'm not in distress, if you please." "Don't mind washing dishes while the guest sits by the fire?" "Not a bit more than usual," Georgiana amended honestly. "Why don't you pile 'em up and let 'em wait till morning?" "I shouldn't sleep for thinking of them." "My word, but you're a hustler! I don't know whether I can keep up."

In the amended form the treaties contain nothing except such expression of barren intention, and indeed, as compared with what has already been provided in The Hague arbitration treaty, they probably represent not a step forward but a slight step backward, as regards the question of international arbitration. As such I do not think they should receive the sanction of this Government.

"Calvin C. Bunner, at your service," amended the newcomer, with a touch of punctilio, as he removed an unlighted cigar from his mouth. He was used to finding Englishmen slow and ceremonious with strangers, and Trent's quick remark plainly disconcerted him a little. "You are Mr. Trent, I expect," he went on. "Mrs. Manderson was telling me a while ago. Captain, good-morning." Mr.

"Paula, of course. Why, you young chits don't know how to waltz. You never had a chance to learn." Lottie tossed her fine head. "Perhaps you learned a little before the new dancing came in," he amended. "Anyway, I'll get Evan and Paula started, you take me on, and I'll wager we'll be the only couples on the floor."

But what he had answered was: "You see too much that's what may sometimes make you difficulties. When you don't, at least," he had amended with a further thought, "see too little." But he had quite granted that he knew what she meant, and his warning perhaps was needless.

The Administrative Council, at a meeting held on the 4th inst., passed the Bill for a General Convention of the Citizens' Representatives. Article 12 of the Bill was amended so as to contain the following clause: "The Superintendent of Election may, in case of necessity, delegate his functions to the several district magistrates." This will soon be communicated officially to the provinces.

The magazine was abolished in 1620 and in 1623 this law was amended to provide for the appointment of sworn men in each settlement to condemn all bad tobacco. In 1630 an act was passed prohibiting the sale or acceptance of inferior tobacco in payment of debts.

The passage operated upon is the wild soliloquy, where Hamlet resolves to try the test of the play, and says "The devil hath power T' assume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps, Out of my weakness and my melancholy, As he is very potent with such spirits, Abuses me to damn me." The amended reading stands

No, you keep the rifle," amended Bob, falling in with the suggestion. "If I get to lee, I'll be near enough to do damage with the breech-loader. If I fail, you'll have the longer sight with the rifle." "All right," said Holden. "I'll wait just where I am behind this red willow. I'll not fire until I'm certain that your gun is out of it." "Good.