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He had turned his head, and caught sight of the approaching missile when it was too late for him to avoid it. "Ah, here it is!" was all he said. There was no terror in the thin face, with its big handsome eyes; it was only pale; very pale and inexpressibly mournful. The wound was in the abdomen. "Oh! do not leave me here," he pleaded; "take me to the ambulance, I beseech you. Take me to the rear."

Colwood brought it out." He searched the grass in vain, and the chairs. Lady Lucy was silent. Presently she rose feebly. "When when will they take him away?" "Directly. The ambulance is coming I shall go with him. Take my arm." She leaned on him heavily, and as they approached the house they saw two figures step out of it Marsham and Diana. Diana came quickly, in her light white dress.

The last of the ambulance camels, which were evacuating wounded from the regimental aid post had not crossed the Ballut Ridge and got out of sight before dawn, and were shelled accordingly. The enemy delivered counter-attacks again in the night; these also were repulsed. Next morning he changed his tactics.

"Well, get him fixed up as best you can, till the ambulance gets here. And there's whiskey and glasses on that table, over there. Better give Doctor Vehrner a drink." He looked at T. Barnwell Powell, still frozen to his chair, aghast at the carnage around him. "And give Mr. Powell a drink, too. He needs one." He did, indeed.

"It was a shock of course, especially to one so old and feeble; but I left him calmly staying himself upon his God." They arrived at Roselands some time before the ambulance. They found the whole household, and also Mrs. Howard, her husband and sons, and Mrs. Travilla, gathered upon the veranda to receive them.

Had they stamped into a mosque in their hobnailed boots, on account of their faulty religious training, the Salonikans might have excused them. But that a man driving an ambulance full of wounded should think he had the right to disturb a conversation that was blocking the traffic of only the entire water-front was a discourtesy no Salonikan could comprehend.

Then, at the exact second that the ambulance is due, along comes their 'cosher, knocks down the policeman on duty. I don't suppose the thing took more than ten minutes. Everything was timed. They must have known the hour the policeman on the beat passed along the street." Sir Stanley poured out the coffee with his own hands, and relapsed back into his armchair. "Why do you think they did it?"

All would be well if they could only get the wounded man to the ambulance without accident, but the way was long and the iron hail more pitiless than ever.

As a nurse her place was not the battle-field; but she had had a premonition of Stafford's tragedy, and in the night had concealed herself in the blankets of an ambulance and had been carried across the veld to that outer circle of battle where wait those who gather up the wreckage, who provide the salvage of war.

There were so many disagreeable and depressing things occurring there every day, and which could not be helped, that they inspired in me a sort of desperate determination to get right out of such a place, and stay out, if possible. Early next morning an ambulance drove up, I was put in it, and taken to the camp of the old regiment.