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Bábar then marched through the Jálandhar Duáb to the Sutlej, placing, as he writes, 'his foot in the stirrup of resolution, and his hand on the reins of confidence-in-God, crossed it near Rupar, then by way of Ambála, to the Jumna, opposite Sirsáwá. Thence he held down the river for two marches. Two more brought him to Pánípat, fifty-three miles to the north-west of Delhi.

Excitement manifested itself in various ways at different stations throughout the length of Hindustan and the Punjab at Benares, Lucknow, Agra, Ambala, and Sealkote. In some stations there were incendiary fires; in others the sepoys were wanting in their usual respect to their European officers. But it was believed that the storm was spending itself, and that the dark clouds were passing away.

I shall go to Calcutta, if I can. It is my duty to be at my post there." "But how do you intend to travel? The railways still in existence have been seized for the exclusive use of the army. Remember that you would have to pass both armies, the Russian and the English. You would have to go from Kalka to Ambala, and thence to Delhi."

Having taken a hearty leave of their Indian hosts, the Russian detachment advanced further into the hilly country, and at noon spies reported to Prince Tchajawadse that the English had completely evacuated Ambala and had set out on the march to Delhi.

"Yes." "Well, won't it do if I love Uncle Robert and Eliot and Colin? And Jerrold?" That night he said to Adeline, "I know who'll take my place when I'm gone." "Who? Robert?" "No, Jerrold." In another week he had sailed for India and Ambala. viii Jerrold was brave. When Colin upset the schoolroom lamp Jerrold wrapped it in the tablecloth and threw it out of the window just in time.

In this way he could confidently hope to reach Simla without a battle, and, moreover, should it turn out that the garrison of Ambala was not over strong, he might deliver a surprise attack upon the English from the north. In time of peace Ambala was one of the larger encampments, but now it was to be expected that the main body of the troops stationed there had been ordered to Lahore.

After all, I shouldn't care a rap about Ambala if you weren't there. And you may be stationed miles away. I'd rather go back to Ilford and do farming. Ever so much rather. India would really have wasted a lot of time." "Oh, Anne, I've spoilt all your pleasure." "No, you haven't. There isn't any pleasure to spoil now." "What a brute what a cad you must think me." "I don't, Jerry.

What shall I do in Ambala without you? I have suffered so unutterably since you were carried off before my eyes at Anar Kali, that I will die a thousand times rather than again expose myself to the torture of such uncertainty." A noise behind him made Heideck turn his head.

She was conscious of her power to make him come to her, to make herself felt through everything, even through his bereavement. The subtle Eliot, looking over the terrace wall, observed her and thought, "The mater's jolly pleased with herself. I wonder why." It struck Eliot also that a Commissioner of Ambala and a Member of the Legislative Council and a widower ought not to look like Mr. Severn.

But now, my friend, I should first of all like to know what you have decided about me." Heideck was in some embarrassment how to answer, and spoke hesitatingly of his intention to send her to Ambala with Morar Gopal. But Edith would not allow him to finish. She interrupted him with a decided gesture of dissent. "Ask of me what you like except to leave you again.